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12 Years In A Puppy Mill Robs This Dog Of Her Health And Her Sight, But She’s A Fighter 

12 Years In A Puppy Mill Robs This Dog Of Her Health And Her Sight, But She’s A Fighter 

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For over 12 years, a beautiful dog named Little Belle was caged in a puppy mill, not allowed to see the light of day. 

She gave birth to numerous puppies, which took a serious toll on her health. 

Thankfully, after years of waiting for her chance at happiness, she was finally saved and brought to daylight by a group of benevolent rescuers who were horrified at her condition.

dog lying on an orange cover
Credit: Little Belle

Although an adult dog, Little Belle was extremely tiny when her rescuers found her. They knew they had to rush her to the vet for much-needed help and a health check.

The vet thoroughly examined her, diagnosing Belle with Leishmaniasis, a serious disease caused by a single-celled parasite called protozoan. 

This parasite, commonly found in dogs, cats, and some rodents, is transmitted by small biting sand flies.

In addition, Belle also had glaucoma in the left eye, several ingrown nails, and seriously atrophied muscles.

dog being held
Credit: Little Belle

Belle was extremely weak and nearly unable to walk on her own, but the vet and her rescuers took excellent care of her. 

They treated Belle with medicine, made sure she got everything she needed, and even found her a home where she could continue her recovery. 

A kind woman named Irene became her forever human, determined to help this poor girl thrive and feel love for probably the first time in her life.

woman kissing a dog
Credit: Little Belle

The first couple of months in her new home were particularly tough, due to the injections Belle received for Leishmaniasis. 

She was constantly sleepy and tired; on top of that, she was extremely anxious and frightened of her new surroundings. 

But thankfully, Irene quickly broke down her walls, helping her feel calm and safe.

injured dog
Credit: Little Belle

Unfortunately, they soon discovered that Belle had serious dental problems requiring surgery. Shortly after she woke up from surgery, the poor girl suffered a heart attack and was resuscitated.

This turn of events completely shocked Irene, who thought she was going to lose her beloved Belle. 

Moreover, ten days after the surgery and heart attack, Belle’s left eye worsened. The eye pressure became so high and painful that it had to be removed.

But thankfully, this brave dog soon recovered from all her trials, proving herself the true fighter she always was.

Over The Years…

dog with one eye
Credit: Little Belle

In the years that followed, Little Belle made great progress. She grew a bit, put on some weight, and consequently strengthened her previously weakened leg muscles. 

Thanks to Irene’s love and care, she became less anxious about everything around her, feeling free to better explore the world she lived in. 

Belle and Irene started going on adventures together, exploring the great outdoors with the curiosity of a child. 

From valleys and beaches to mountains, this power duo went everywhere, loving every part of their journey.

dog running on beach
Credit: Little Belle

Belle soon learned just how fun running can be. She ran and ran, delighted to feel the soft breeze and warm sunshine on her skin. 

She also loved to play with her canine siblings, Benji, Emi, and Simba. For the first time in her life, Belle had actual friends, dogs who enjoyed her company as much as she did theirs. 

Belle lived a happy life, feeling grateful for Irene, her beloved owner, who never gave up on her happiness.

After Four Happy Years…

dog with a patch on his eye
Credit: Little Belle

After four years of happiness, Belle unfortunately developed glaucoma in her right eye. Just like the first time, the eye pressure was too high, and the vet had to remove the right eye, too. 

All of a sudden, Belle was blind, unable to see the beautiful world she grew to love. 

But once again, she proved she was a true fighter, ready to overcome these new challenges.

blind dog
Credit: Little Belle

Belle saw her sudden twist of fate as a new learning opportunity. 

She began to explore the world around her, relying on her remaining senses, and soon proved that nothing could stop her from living her best canine life. 

Inspired by her persistence, Irene opened a Facebook page dedicated to Belle. Her goal was to remind others that every dog deserves a chance and that even dogs with special needs are worthy of our love. 

Belle continued enjoying her favorite activities as if nothing had happened. She was a true inspiration to the whole world.

But Then…

photo of a blind dog
Credit: Little Belle

All of a sudden, Belle became sick, rapidly losing weight and her playful spirit dulled. 

After examining her, the vet found she had stomach and heart problems. Thankfully, these were treatable with medication. 

Belle significantly improved and was back to her normal life within days.

blind dog lying on couch
Credit: Little Belle

And then, after 18 long years of life full of challenges, Little Belle sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge. 

Most of her life she spent in a cage, but the love she received in her final years exceeded all the pain she endured. 

Wanting to share Little Belle’s story with the world – and feeling that a dedicated Facebook page wasn’t enough – Irene decided to turn her beloved dog’s life into a book.

dog in flower field
Credit: Little Belle

Her book ‘Little Belle: Where Love is, Magic Happens’ was read and endorsed by many dog lovers who wanted a glimpse into the magnificent life Little Belle led. 

You know I’ve already ordered my copy – but what about you? Would you read Belle’s story?