A strange sight unfolded before the eyes of Californian residents: a bald animal digging through trash cans.
When they discovered this odd creature, they were confused. It turned out to be a young black bear with a bad case of mange.

The bear, named Eve, was saved and taken to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Her situation was serious; the mange had caused her to lose all her fur, leaving her skin exposed and sore.
It was obvious she needed special attention. Luckily, the rescuers contacted the Humane Society of the United States and Eve was given a safe haven at the Fund for Animals Wildlife Center.
The center had to set up a controlled environment for her, with specific bedding and cleaning routines to prevent further skin problems. Despite the difficulties, Eve showed incredible strength.

As Eve got better, her true self started to show. The little cub who used to be weak turned into a curious adventurer, eager to learn about the world around her.
She liked to bring things into her igloo, making a comfy space for herself. She especially loved apples, enjoying their sweet flavor as a treat for getting stronger.
Eve’s two-year rehabilitation journey has finally come to an end as she transitioned from her medical sanctuary to the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison, Texas.

Despite gaining 130 pounds and getting better, the effects of mange have left a lasting impact on her fur.
Unfortunately, this meant she couldn’t survive in the wild without a full coat for insulation and protection.
However, that’s not a problem because, at Black Beauty Ranch, Eve has a big, natural space that’s just right for her.

Even though she might not look like a regular bear, she’s doing really well and having fun checking out her new home.
The CEO of the Humane Society of the United States, Kitty Block, is thankful for all the special attention Eve got and can’t wait to see what’s next for her.

I’m really glad that Eve found a nice forever home where she can be happy and safe. It shows how awesome wildlife helpers are, and it fills me with hope for the future of animals everywhere.