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Woman Rescues A Lost Piglet In The Woods And Changes His Life For The Better

Woman Rescues A Lost Piglet In The Woods And Changes His Life For The Better

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Imagine one day you go for a walk in the woods and you encounter a tiny, sick, and lost piglet crying for help. What would you do?

piglet in grass
Source: Facebook

Well, I know I would immediately jump to help the poor thing and that’s exactly what the hero from today’s story did! 

Rian and her husband Scooter are an amazing duo from New Jersey that runs a sanctuary for mistreated and abandoned animals. 

man feeding a piglet
Source: Facebook

The urge to open their sanctuary came once they adopted their dog, Neil, hence the name – Uncle Neils Home

So when Rian found this tiny lost piglet, the first instinct was to scoop him up and bring him to the safety of her sanctuary. 

woman holding a piglet
Source: Facebook

However, the poor thing was so scared he didn’t let Rian come close. Luckily she had brought some snacks for her walk and selflessly offered it to the tiny piglet. 

A handful of cashews and an apple seemed to work like a charm. He let Rian gently scratch his head while he peacefully lay next to her. 

woman and piglet
Source: Facebook

Rian knew this was her chance to scoop him up in her sweatshirt and bring him to safety. Once she wrapped him up, he started squeaking as loud as he could. 

But she was not giving up! She hugged him so tightly and kept talking to him calmly until he finally gave in. As she said in a video:

“As soon as I got him into my car, he calmed down.”

piglet and teddy
Source: Facebook

Back at the sanctuary, Rian made him a cozy spot with some fresh water and a delicious meal. She even gave him a giant stuffed bear which he absolutely adored!

Naming him Cashew, he was now ready for his new life. Unfortunately, the poor thing developed some kind of a skin infection so he had to spend the first month in quarantine. Luckily, he recovered in no time. As Rian also shared:

“Once his skin condition was no longer contagious, we brought him into the house with us. He wasn’t able to meet his new pig family yet, but he spent a lot of time with our dog Neil.”

dog and piglet
Source: Facebook

The two would spend time chasing each other through the house, napping, or munching on delicious smoothie bowls Rian would prepare for them. 

Once again, Rian made a cozy spot for Cashew in their home. A soft pillow, his very own heating lamp, and a warm blanket. Rian would tuck him in every night and he would adorably doze off!

pig and piglet
Source: Facebook

The plan was to completely nurse little Cashew back to life and then introduce him to the other pigs in their sanctuary. On that day, Cashew was more than happy.

He was jumping and running from one pig to the other, almost as if he understood this was his new forever family. 

two piglets and pig
Source: Facebook

Cashew was now completely healthy and able to enjoy his newfound freedom and the amazing sanctuary! Thanks to Rian, tiny Cashew was given a second chance at life!