The internet is buzzing with interest over pictures that have emerged of an alligator with a surprising feature – she’s missing its entire upper jaw!
This special reptile is currently living at Gatorland, a sanctuary close to Orlando, Florida, that focuses on looking after rescued alligators.

Named Jawlene by the park, this alligator wouldn’t have survived in the wild without help from humans.
Alligators are known for depending on their strong bite to catch prey and eat, something that would be extremely challenging without the upper jaw. So how does Jawlene eat?
This is the question everyone wants answered. Gatorland caretaker Savannah Boan revealed that they have a unique feeding method for her, as she mentioned in an interview:
“We put something on her tongue and she puts her bottom jaw up really high and it kind of slides back.”

Boan also thinks that in the wild, Jawlene would crouch in shallow waters and catch small fish this way.
The imaginative team at Gatorland didn’t just end with that. They honored the legendary country music star Dolly Parton by naming Jawlene in a witty way.
After she was caught, Katrina Shadix shared a photo of Jawlene on social media, and people got worried right away. Kim Titterington, a wildlife helper, described the scene as “very shocking.” He went on to say:
“From the image I was provided, the alligator appears to have good body weight, and the injury healed over, but the continued survivability in the wild is slim. It could be from another alligator but the clean cut also suggests this animal was caught in a hunting snare.”

The reason for the injury is still unknown, but while some may think this is uncommon, many alligators and crocodiles actually lose their upper jaws in fights with other animals.
Luckily, Jawlene’s story ends happily. Gatorland’s latest Facebook post shares that she’s putting on weight, doing well, and enjoying her new home.

I believe Jawlene’s story shows us that we can still do well even when things are tough. So, let’s cheer for Jawlene, the gator who never gives up!