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Woman Jumps Over The Fence To Taunt Tiger At New Jersey Zoo Leaving People Furious

Woman Jumps Over The Fence To Taunt Tiger At New Jersey Zoo Leaving People Furious

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Police are still searching for the woman who dangerously crossed a safety fence at the Cohanzick Zoo in Bridgeton, New Jersey, to taunt a tiger. 

The shocking video shows the reckless encounter, and you can see the woman standing just feet away from the tiger, mocking it. 

The agitated tiger approaches the fence as she foolishly sticks her hand through almost getting bitten. She then turns around to someone behind her before jumping back over the safety barrier.

woman in cage with tiger
Credit: TikTok

The online reactions have been brutal, with many people calling out the woman’s behavior. One commenter said they were “rooting for the kitty” to attack her, while another bluntly called her an “idiot.” 

Others pointed out just how fast these big cats can move, emphasizing that she was lucky to walk away unharmed.

“There is a tiger sanctuary nearby and they hit the fence at 30 MPH and are gone. Folks who wander too close hear it but see nothing. They can’t get out but they hit fast and hard and are gone.”

Bridgeton PD stated on Facebook:

“A female at the Cohanzick Zoo went over the wooden fence at the tiger enclosure and began enticing the tiger, almost getting bit by putting her hand through the wire enclosure. We are asking if anyone recognizes the female in the video/photo.”

Bridgeton PD also reminded the public that climbing over zoo fences is against city rules and urged anyone with information to contact Patrolman Cusano or submit tips anonymously.


Police are looking to identify a woman who climbed over the fence of a tiger enclosure and dangerously enticed the creature at a zoo in Bridgeton, New Jersey. The woman can be seen attempting to pet the animal, then jumping back when it appears to momentarily become aggressive. Police are asking anyone who recognizes the woman in the video to contact them. #news #tiger #newjersey

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Different zoos have strict penalties for crossing barriers. For instance, the Denver Zoo states that violators could face nearly a year in jail and fines up to $999. 

Actions like teasing, feeding, or harassing animals can lead to severe consequences – as they should. This incident is a reminder of why these barriers exist in the first place: wild animals are dangerous. 

warning sign
Credit: TikTok

If that tiger had bitten her, she might have blamed the zoo, claiming the fence shouldn’t have been climbable – even though basic common sense tells you not to cross it unless you want to risk your life.

Zoos set these rules to protect both visitors and the animals, and it’s frustrating that some people still ignore them. Hopefully, this woman will be caught and face the consequences of her reckless behavior.