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Woman Suspects Something Is Wrong With Her Puppy, Turns Out To Be Right

Woman Suspects Something Is Wrong With Her Puppy, Turns Out To Be Right

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Kacey, a proud mom of two long-haired miniature dachshunds Milo and Murphy, found herself in a desperate situation recently.

puppy walking on the grass
Credit: Facebook

She just welcomed Murphy into her family, an adorable dachshund puppy. He immediately bonded with her dog Milo and the two became inseparable.

Just like any puppy, Murphy was active, playful, and absolutely adorable. He enjoyed going for walks, playing with his toys, and snuggling with Kacey.

two puppies in a walk
Credit: Facebook

However, one morning once Murphy woke up, Kacey noticed a shift in his behavior. Instead of being playful and active as usual, Murphy was lethargic and he seemed like he was in pain. As Kacey said in her video:

“He literally just woke up one morning, and I could tell he wasn’t as playful as he usually was. He just seemed to have no energy left in him.”

a dog lying on the floor
Credit: Facebook

Murphy started acting strange and Kacey couldn’t figure out what was going on. As she also mentioned:

“He was throwing his neck back, which was really weird, cause he’d never done that before. His eyes were shut, and he was just throwing it back constantly.”

dog enjoying womans scratching
Credit: Facebook

By the end of the day, Murphy was barely able to walk. He was letting out faint cries, and Kacey knew she had to rush him to the emergency vet.

At the vet’s office, they told Kacey he was completely fine and probably only had a neck sprain which caused him discomfort. However, Kacey knew something was way off. As she said:

“But deep down, I feel like I knew it was something serious. Something neurological, I could just feel it.”

woman snuggling with dog
Credit: Facebook

She was determined to figure out what was troubling her canine companion and she pushed the vets to run more tests. 

A quick MRI scan soon revealed what was bothering poor Murphy. He was battling a rare condition known as hydrocephalus. As Kacey explained:

“We had no idea what hydrocephalus was. We found out it was a cyst, which stopped fluid from flowing properly, so it just got stuck in his brain.”

poor sick dog lying on his toy with blanket
Credit: Facebook

This meant that Murphy needed emergency surgery and Kacey was devastated. She spent the entire surgery, a total of six hours, in tears. 

Luckily, after the surgery, she received a call from the vet’s office saying the surgery was a complete success!

smiling woman holding a dog in hands
Credit: Facebook

 Now it was time for little Murphy to recover, and in just four weeks he was running around with his best friend Milo! As Kacey said:

“He was eating again. He was drinking again. I knew that he was going to be OK.”

Today, Murphy is a healthy dog who loves all the things he used to when he was just a tiny pup. 

Thanks to his mom’s determination, he was saved from what could have been a fatal outcome. Make sure to follow adorable Murphy and his brother Milo over on TikTok!


My heart cant take this🥹🥺the vets were so kind to let us keep the moose as well🥰 #fyp #minidachshundpuppy #dachshund #hydrocephalus

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