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California Woman Spots A Furry Mystery On The Highway, Shocked After Realizing What It Is

California Woman Spots A Furry Mystery On The Highway, Shocked After Realizing What It Is

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A resident of Irvine, California recently stumbled upon a heartbreaking sight on a highway. 

On her way to work, the woman noticed a furry wild animal looking for some food close to the highway ramp. 

dog running outdoor
Credit: Facebook

Baffled by the sight, she stopped her car to see which animal it was. Once the poor thing lifted its head and gazed straight into her eyes, the woman was left heartbroken. 

A dirty, malnourished dog with matted fur was walking around hoping to find some food. Unable to help the dog, she immediately contacted Suzette Hall.

hairy dog outdoors
Credit: Facebook

Suzette is a well-known animal activist and rescuer from Irvine, who dedicated her life to helping animals in need. 

Once she received the call from this kind woman, Suzette jumped into her car and drove straight to the highway where the poor thing was living. As she said in an interview

“I went out, but I couldn’t find the dog anywhere. So, I waited for a minute, and then I saw her.”

hairy dog in cage
Credit: Facebook

Suzette noticed a junkyard close to the highway and figured the poor thing was hiding there. 

Since she was unable to get inside and catch the dog, she set up a few traps right outside the junkyard. 

shaved dog on blanket
Credit: Facebook

The poor dog was so hungry, that just moments after Suzette positioned the traps with food, the dog came out sniffing. 

The poor soul went straight into one of the traps, unfazed by the fact she was closed in a cage. She was so hungry, that she only had eyes for the food. 

rescued dog lying at home
Credit: Facebook

This broke Suzette’s heart but she was more than happy she rescued her. She tried petting the dog to give her some comfort but her matted fur was a huge issue. As Suzette mentioned:

“I remember touching her for the first time and it hurt because of all the mats. It was the saddest thing.”

Suzette named her Raggedy Annie and rushed her to the vet. They shaved off her matted fur, and underneath was the most affectionate and adorable dog Suzette had ever seen. 

smiling woman with dog
Credit: Facebook

She assumed that at one point Annie did have a loving family, but what happened in between was uncertain. Suzette’s rescue even posted about Annie hoping someone would come and claim her. 

After a while, it was clear no one was coming for little Annie. She was an abandonment case so they decided to place her in a foster home. 

With the love and attention from her foster parents, Annie’s true personality came through. She was a sweet cuddle bug, who enjoyed every minute spent with her humans. 

Thanks to the kindhearted woman who informed Suzette, sweet Annie got a second chance at life!