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Redondo Beach Bike Path Blocked By Mystery ‘Gray Object’ Emitting A Heartbreaking Cry

Redondo Beach Bike Path Blocked By Mystery ‘Gray Object’ Emitting A Heartbreaking Cry

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The other day at Redondo Beach, California, an unusual sight disrupted what seemed to be an ordinary sunny afternoon. Anna, a local who was just enjoying her usual walk along the coast, noticed that some gray object was blocking the bike path. 

The CEO of Marine Mammal Care Center, John Warner, explained:

“Anna saw an object on the bike path above the beach, and a group of people were gathering near it.”

Anna was intrigued as well, so she moved closer and realized it was not just any ordinary object.

police officer walking to the seal pup
Credit: Facebook

To her astonishment, the gray blob was an elephant seal pup, alone and crying out for help. Far from its ocean home, the tiny creature had managed to wander about 150 feet away from the water and was now stranded on the warm cement.

As onlookers gathered around, Anna knew she had to act quickly. She called the Marine Mammal Care Center and, while waiting for help, kept a protective watch over the pup, ensuring no one got too close.

When Brad Torsone, the response department director from the center, arrived, he quickly evaluated the situation. The little seal, now named Destiny, was in dire straits. 

At only 60 pounds, she was severely underweight, as healthy pups her age typically weigh around 300 pounds. 

seal pup on the road
Credit: Facebook

It seemed Destiny had sought the warmth of the pavement to combat her low body heat, a clear sign of her struggle for survival.

Carefully and gently, Brad placed Destiny into their rescue truck. They safely transported her to the center’s animal hospital, where she could receive the desperately needed care and attention. 

a seal pup
Credit: Facebook

John Warner emphasized the importance of what Anna did explaining how we should react if we see a seal or sea lion in distress.

First and foremost, we should contact our local mammal rescue organization. Then, the entire time we should keep a safe distance. It’s crucial for both their safety and ours.

Thanks to Anna’s swift actions and the dedicated team at the Marine Mammal Care Center, Destiny is now recovering nicely. 

She’s being nursed back to health with the hope that one day soon, she’ll return to her rightful place in the ocean. As Warner said in an interview:

“Our team of staff and volunteers are doing everything possible to get her on the road to recovery and back to her ocean home.”

Destiny’s story is a reminder of the difference each of us can make. A walk on the beach turned into a rescue mission that saved a young seal’s life.