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Woman Spots An Injured Owl On A Busy Road And Her Reaction Surprises Everyone

Woman Spots An Injured Owl On A Busy Road And Her Reaction Surprises Everyone

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One busy street day, something unusual happened, but no one seemed to care. A helpless owl was blocking the traffic and no one knew why.

No one wanted to help or to move the owl to safety until one kind-hearted woman stepped in and saved the day.

injured prayer on a busy road
Credit: Laura Burban

Among all the passersby, only one woman stopped to check on the owl. Upon seeing the poor creature helplessly crawling on the busy road, she instantly realized it needed urgent help.

The best she could do was reach out to the Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter in Connecticut for professional help.

Fortunately, the shelter didn’t waste any time in responding. They immediately sent a rescue team to the location to help the owl in need. 

a woman helps an injured owl
Credit: Laura Burban

Among the rescuers was also Laura Burban, the director of Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter. As soon as she saw the owl, she knew something was off. Laura shared in an interview:

“Owls in general would take off when they were approached by people or cars, but this one would not.”

Laura took a closer look at the owl and noticed one of the owl’s wings was injured, which explained why it hadn’t flown away.

The poor owl needed urgent help, and it could only receive one at the shelter, but first, they had to catch it. However, since owls can rotate their heads 360 degrees, the rescue mission was quite challenging.

Despite the difficulties, Laura refused to give up. After many attempts, she finally managed to wrap the owl in a towel. Then, she gently picked it up and put it in her vehicle.

The owl was taken to “A Place Called Hope”, a wildlife rehabilitation center, where it received the attention and care it desperately needed. 

the woman wants to cover the injured owl
Credit: Laura Burban

Thanks to the rescuers’ quick reaction and professional help, the owl will soon be released back to its natural habitat.

Everything went better than expected, but who knows what might have happened to the poor owl if that kind-hearted woman hadn’t called for help?

Now, thanks to her and the rescuers, this owl has a new chance at life, just as it deserves. 

So, let this heartwarming rescue story remind us all to always help animals in need. Sometimes, you don’t have to do much – just contact an animal rescue center. They will know what to do and you’ll be saving a life!