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Woman Saves A Venomous Sea Creature That Washed Up On Shore

Woman Saves A Venomous Sea Creature That Washed Up On Shore

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I recently came across a video that restored my faith in humanity. Amid all the heartbreaking stories of mistreated animals, it’s comforting to see that there are still kind-hearted people who go out of their way to help our wild friends.

So let’s dive into the story!

pufferfish washed up on shore
Credit: Facebook

A woman was enjoying her day on the beach with a group of friends when all of a sudden a big ball caught their attention.

They rushed to take the ball that washed up to the shore, but soon realized that it wasn’t a ball at all!

woman saving the fish
Credit: Facebook

What washed up was a pufferfish, an ocean creature highly venomous to humans. 

However, the poor pufferfish found itself in desperate need of help. Pufferfish are known for their ability to inflate up once they feel threatened. 

pufferfish in a towel
Credit: Facebook

This poor fellow puffed out completely, with dangerous spikes covering its body. This made it impossible for the fish to swim back to the ocean. 

Unfortunately, the spikes that cover up its body can be extremely dangerous for humans, so the woman had to think of a different way to help the poor thing. 

woman returning the fish in the ocean
Credit: Facebook

She rushed back to take her towel and seconds later she gently wrapped the pufferfish up. 

She then proceeded to return him to the ocean, while carefully carrying him in the towel. Once he returns to his normal shape, he’ll be able to swim away!

This story made me smile, and the woman from today’s story proved that a little kindness goes a long way!