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Woman Finds Injured Wild Boar On The Beach, Unable To Move And Barely Breathing

Woman Finds Injured Wild Boar On The Beach, Unable To Move And Barely Breathing

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While walking along the beach, a woman suddenly came across a wild boar that was collapsed and unable to move. She immediately took action, setting up a protective space around him. The woman, named Andria, became his rescuer and protector.

For a whole week, Andria stayed with the boar from sunrise to sunset. She speculated that the boar might have been shot by someone or caught in a trap. 

Unable to leave him in such a condition, Andria was determined to help him and give him the chance to live.

black wild boar
Source: Facebook

Andria named him Paxton and their journey to recovery began. When she first found him, Paxton could barely breathe or lift his head. Slowly, he started to eat. Andria shared in a video:

“He doesn’t like tomatoes or cucumbers or tangerines.”

But give him an apple, and he’ll devour it, even while lying down! 

“He’s crazy about apples.”

wild boar and food
Source: Facebook

For about three days, it was just the two of them, and Andria was amazed at how much he trusted her:

“The fact that he trusted me – that was huge, because it went against anything that he should have thought. He never tried to bite me, even when I touched his hurt leg and was trying to see what was going on.”

It was as if Paxton knew Andria was there to help. After five days, they managed to find a mobile vet who came out several times to treat him. 

man and wild boar
Source: Facebook

Eventually, they located a sanctuary willing to take Paxton into their care. 

That entire week felt surreal to Andria. After all, what are the chances of a wild boar trusting a human so much?

wild boar laying down
Source: Facebook

Hannah, a worker at the sanctuary, explained that when Paxton first arrived, he couldn’t walk or even stand. He was entirely dependent on others for care. 

But despite his condition, Paxton wasn’t ready to give up. The sanctuary workers could see in his eyes that he was determined to live and still had a spark of life left in him.

black boar
Source: Facebook

Soon enough, Paxton started eating better and began making comforting sounds during cuddles and scratches.

Hannah, who also bonded with him, shared how the sanctuary workers paid close attention to his body language and took things slowly. 

They wanted to ensure Paxton wasn’t rushed into walking or doing anything he wasn’t ready for. 

big black boar
Source: Facebook

Two weeks later, while bathing Paxton, Hannah was preparing to flip him to clean his other side when she noticed him considering getting up. She gave him the time he needed, and, to her amazement, Paxton managed to stand up!

adult black boar
Source: Facebook

Hannah was overjoyed. After weeks of treatment and all the uncertainty about his condition, seeing Paxton finally standing was incredible. You could hear the excitement in her voice as she watched him:

“He stayed there like that for five minutes, just absorbing it all. Slowly, he started to walk. I knew then, at that moment, that he was going to make it.”

cute black boar
Source: Facebook

Soon after this milestone, Paxton started digging and “renovating” his enclosure, joyfully playing in the mud! 

Fast forward one year, and we see Paxton running around, frolicking in the grass, and living life to the fullest. He enjoys the freedom of his wild self, but with all the comforts the sanctuary provides.

boar laying down
Source: Facebook

Paxton has grown into a healthy, happy big boar. Though he loves his independence and alone time, he still approaches the gate and teases Hannah, inviting her to pet him.

“He will often follow me to tempt me to rub his belly. It’s very funny ‘cause his belly is often covered in mud. And I’m like, ‘Oh, I don’t know if I feel like having my hand covered in mud right now.’”

But who could resist such a cute plea?

woman and wild boar
Source: Facebook

He loves to relax, he is done with struggles, and is all about snuggles. 

“He just wants to chill and have a good time.”

Well, don’t we all? Haha, jokes aside, thanks to Andria, Paxton was given a chance at a new life. And thanks to Hannah and the sanctuary, he seized that chance and now enjoys a carefree, happy existence.