Cats are great. I believe everybody loves cats, if not petting them then just seeing their cute fluffy faces.
Cats can give emotional support, contribute to the mood and health of their owners, plus they walk themselves and clean themselves… However, cats cannot clean up after themselves. This is where our responsibilities as pet owners begin. It is also where problems can occur.
Let’s first state the ground rule for having an indoor cat. One cat = one litter box + one extra litter box. Got it?
This means you always need to have an extra box for your beloved pet, since they like to have options. This is especially true if you have more than one cat; each cat needs to have their own litter box, plus one additional box.
Now that we’ve understood the importance of having enough litter boxes, let’s find the best solution to keep those litter boxes clean and fragrant.
This article gives you the top ways on how to get rid of cat litter smell in apartment. Once you check them all out, you will find that at least one of them will work perfectly for you.
1. Switch The Litter (Box)
Switching the litter is a common solution to litter box odor, since not all litters are efficient. Every litter is different and all of them absorb odors differently.
You may want to try out different types of litter and see for yourself which one works the best and solves the problem of how to get rid of cat litter smell in apartment. Trying different brands will help you work out which one suits your beloved pet the best.
Pine-based and clumping litters are great when it comes to neutralizing odors. However, you might find that unscented litter might be a better choice than scented litter as all those different scents can make an unwanted mixture.
You should also take a step-by-step approach when changing from one litter to another. You should first start mixing some of the new litter with the old variety. At first, the cat probably won’t even notice the change.
Then, you put the new type of litter beneath the old one so the cat might even find it interesting when it starts to dig in a bit. Eventually you change the entire box; in with the new and out with the old!
If none of the types of litter work out, throw the whole litter box away!
Jokes aside, you need to watch out for the material of the litter box as well, because sometimes nothing you do to clean it works. Sometimes the poop smell, and don’t forget the smell of cat pee as well, gets too deeply merged into the material of the litter box.
Whichever type of litter you choose, keep it fresh so you keep your feline friend healthy and happy.
2. Size Does Matter
Numbers, numbers. You always need to have one extra litter box for your cats. However it is not only about the number of boxes, but also about the size.
If the litter box is the wrong size your cat will not go in it.
If the litter box is too small, the cat will not feel comfortable enough to do the deed. They will most likely go anywhere around the box, since they do not have enough space to move around or to bury their business inside it.
In order to avoid messiness, avoid small litter boxes. The bigger, the better.
You may also need to try and find a box with lower sides, so that your cat can easily step inside. Do not risk your cat having trouble climbing into the litter box and then avoiding it afterwards.
3. Mix Tea Leaves With Litter
Mixing tea leaves, what?! This solution sounds a bit weird, but trust me on it.
If you mix dried tea leaves with the litter it will help control the smell and also serve an anti-bacterial purpose.
Green tea leaves are great at absorbing odors and they have strong antibacterial properties. You can dry out a couple of leaves, grind them and mix them with the cat litter.
If your cat is a foodie, and you are worried it will eat the leaves, you can brew them and then mix the leaves with the litter.
If you find this solution working out, you can also buy green tea based cat litter, since it is usually all natural and eco friendly. Green tea also works as a great natural deodorizer.
4. Use Deodorizer
Missing the fresh air in your apartment? You just settled in and decided you want to provide shelter for a cute little cat. However cute they might be, cat poop is never cute.
You tried air fresheners, air filters but your apartment smells of ‘first time cat owners’? Well this is a solution that is designed to combat odor and can definitely help.
You can find deodorizers at any pet store, but once you start using them do not forget that you still need to clean the litter box.
Deodorizers are here to help, but try not to overuse them because your cat might stop using the litter box if you add too much deodorizer into it.
To be clear, cats do not like strong litter box odors, whether from the litter itself or the poop, but they also dislike too much perfume.
Tricky choice, but once you learn to dose the deodorizer just right, it will work out in your favor.
Deodorizers often contain baking soda, so if you add just a bit of deodorizer on top of the litter box, it will do a great job at controlling cat odors.
If you live in a small apartment, or a studio apartment and your litter box has no other place but the living room, where more ‘perfumes’ are not welcome; you can just add baking soda to the litter since it is a great all-natural deodorizer, plus it is unscented and cheap.
5. Switch Cat Food
You love your cat and you spoil it a bit, giving it ‘only the best’ trending foods and snacks.
However, there might be a problem. Indoor cats are not hunters, so they eat only what their owners give them.
Sometimes there is something in particular foods that does not agree with your cat’s digestive tract and this can be the source of a strong odor causing problems in the home. A change in food may also reduce the intensity of poop smell and make the clean up much easier.
Switching cat foods is not always easy since cats learn their tastes as kittens. Cats get used to the foods they tried first, so if you have a kitten, be sure to serve them a wider menu choice.
When you give your cats different types of foods to try while they are still little, it makes it easier to switch and adjust their diets later on.
They are not being picky eaters, cats just follow their instincts. Make sure to introduce them to both wet and dry food early on.
Adding digestive enzymes to your cat’s diet can greatly help their adjustment to the new type of food, and the enzymes usually improve your cat’s digestion.
When it comes to choosing between different types of food, always be sure to buy meat-based foods filled with protein, and try to avoid ingredients like corn, wheat, etc.
Health is the most important factor for our pets, and it is always important to find the source of any digestive problem as fast as possible.
6. Air Purifiers
Personally speaking, and also a proven fact, is that air purifiers can eliminate the litter box smell. This is especially true if you live in a small space, or you are renters and you want to avoid litter smell getting in and staying in.
There are air purifiers that are designed specifically for pet owners, and their air purification methods not only clean pet odors but also reduce pet dander.
The most frequently recommended types of air purifiers are the ones that have HEPA filters (high efficiency particulate air filter), since they are suitable for dander, hairs, and overall larger particles.
For smaller molecules traveling the air, such as ammonia from cat urine and feces, there is an activated carbon filter.
There are a few more things you should know before you buy an air purifier.
If you choose the activated carbon HEPA purifier, you need to change the filter after a certain time (3-6 months).
If you are to choose the HEPA filter, they usually last 6 to 12 months.
Air purifiers also ensure that everyone who comes to visit does not immediately say ‘cat owners’!
7. Where To Put The Litter Box
Sometimes the solution is as simple as this: where you put the problem maker.
Litter box smells are a real problem, but you can add to the solution by putting the box somewhere airy.
The biggest mistake owners make is to put the litter box somewhere hidden and out of sight, but when the smells kick in, everybody will be aware there’s a litter box somewhere nearby.
You should keep the litter box somewhere airy, with good ventilation and air flow.
The best option would be in the bathroom, especially if you live in a small apartment, since the windows are open most of the time. You also use it often, there is enough light and fresh air, and your cat will also feel comfortable enough to use the bathroom for its purpose.
Cats like privacy, and nobody spends their time in the bathroom just for fun. We use the bathroom only for our own basic needs, and it is empty most of the time.
Cats also need to go as far away from food as possible. So the kitchen is definitely not an option!
Always make sure the door is open, so your cat can get in. If they fail to get to the litter box once, twice, three times, they might not want to make the effort to go there again.
8. Clean The Litter Box
Clean it more often!
You should clean the litter box, and also the scoop. You should always watch out for the remains of poop getting stuck in your scoop, and try to wash it with soap and water at least once a day.
You should then wash the box tray, rinse it with some pet-safe disinfectant like alcoholic vinegar and scrape the bottom. Wash it with soap and water, and when it’s dried up, put fresh litter in again.
Do not forget about stains on your floors, and the surrounding area. You can use a blacklight which will show up any old pee stains which have dried out.
You can use stronger cleaning supplies, or home made soap and vinegar with enzymatic cleaners, for deep cleaning. Just make sure any disinfectant you use is pet safe.
Using bleach will definitely help to disinfect trays and tools but it may cause damage when cleaning your hardwood floors, and it may not get rid of odors.
Cleaning more often is the best odor control there is; remove the cause of litter box odor, and do it as often as possible.
Cat urine can dry up in the litter box and you might not even see when your cat went in and peed, but you need to scoop out the lumps of cat pee as well as the poop.
Cleaning the litter box every day is definitely worth doing. You spend just a few seconds a couple of times more than usual, and this saves you hours of dealing with the cat’s litter box smell.