Unusual and unique looking cats have gained huge popularity over the last few years. It’s as if cat owners got bored with average domestic cats and are looking for something extremely rare. So, what better choice than an exotic cat?
Exotic cats are cats with wild, exotic looks but nice temperaments, which is great for people who want a unique cat that is friendly and easy to socialize.
However, exotic wild animals require experienced owners who might need legal permission before adoption.
So, if you’re interested in learning more, I suggest you keep reading and check out the list of exotic cat species that can be perfect pets.
1. Ocelot
The Ocelot is an amazing wild cat that feeds itself by hunting smaller animals using its smell or keen vision.
These cats are highly active, especially when compared to some domestic cats. Usually, they work better in smaller groups, which is more common for dogs or other animals, rather than cats.
Still, owning such a wild cat requires a lot of experience, and if you’re the right person for that, you can only own it in Texas or Florida if you have legal permission.
2. Caracal
Now, the Caracal cat is a real example of an exotic and wild-looking feline. If you take a look at the picture of this cat, you’ll immediately notice the large ears with hair on the tips.
These cats are most common in forests of Africa and Asia, but with a lot of experience, they can be kept as pets but only with permission in Idaho or Florida.
Keep in mind that these cats have a wild nature, and keeping them is not as easy as keeping other domesticated cat breeds.
3. Bobcat
The exotic and wild-looking cat of the mountains and forests of North America is the famous Bobcat that is characterized by its short tail (bobtail).
These cats are very large and are usually quiet cats who survive by hunting. However, Bobcats can easily adapt to humans. Still, that doesn’t mean that you can adopt it as easily as any other domestic cat.
If you want a Bobcat to be your pet cat, then you need to have a lot of experience and even legal permission in Missouri or Michigan; otherwise, you can forget about this breed.
4. Chausie Cat
The Chausie cat is a large cat, whose coat color and pattern makes it look like a bigger version of the Abyssinian cat. The Chausie cat is also characterized by long legs, a strong body, and a ticked tabby pattern due to the agouti hair.
Moreover, the Chausie cat is considered to be a hybrid breed that resulted from a crossbreeding of a wild jungle cat and a domestic cat. Luckily the breed was accepted by the TICA in 1995.
The reason why these cats are popular among cat lovers is because they have both exotic looks and nice personalities. That means they’re extremely intelligent and playful but also very friendly and loyal.
Because of their high energy level, these cats need a lot of active time to keep them satisfied and happy. But because of their loyalty, you can be sure that your feline friend will stay by your side forever.
5. Serengeti
The Serengeti cat is an unusual cross between the Oriental Shorthair cat and a Bengal cat.
The main goal of creating this breed was to get a cat breed that is similar to a Serval without wild cat DNA.
I would say that the main goal is achieved because these cats really do look exotic. They have muscular and tall bodies while being friendly, playful, and even chatty.
Even though this breed of cat is somewhat newer to cat lovers, it has managed to gain popularity, which may also be the reason for its spicy price.
6. Serval Cat
Serval cats are exotic cats of African origin. These cats can be kept as pets, however, a certain level of experience is required in order to do that.
With their appearance, they resemble a cheetah. They’re tall and athletic with large pointed ears. These cats are naturally calm and quiet, and with proper socialization and training, they can be good pets.
Servals also have a high level of intelligence which allows them to learn things quickly; therefore, they’re also able to learn some tricks or how to walk on a leash.
Moreover, these cats are considered to be very healthy and may reach a lifespan of even 20 years in captivity. However, in order to avoid issues such as obesity and similar, remember to exercise these cats a lot as they’re highly energetic.
7. Geoffrey’s Cat
Geoffrey’s cat is an exotic-looking wildcat that is native to South America. Even though they haven’t been domesticated, people have managed to keep them as pets.
When it comes to these cats, domesticating and keeping them as pets is even encouraged because they’re considered endangered.
However, if you manage to adopt one, remember that these cats are not like traditional domestic cats and that they need a person full of experience. Moreover, you’ll also need permission and be ready to pay a high price if you want this exotic feline to be yours.
8. Fishing Cat
The Fishing cat is another cat with unusual looks that deserves to be on the list of exotic cats that can be pets. This breed of cats is native to Southeast Asia.
Unfortunately, these cats have never been entirely domesticated. However, experienced wild cat owners may keep them as pets as long as they have legal permission and licenses, along with paying a large sum of money to have one.
9. Asian Leopard Cat
The Asian Leopard cat is a wild cat that can be found in South and East Asia. Because of their wild nature, they need to be properly socialized from a young age if you want to keep them as pets.
Remember that owning an Asian Leopard cat won’t be the same as owning a domestic cat breed.
These cats need a lot of space where they can move around completely free. Thanks to this breed of cat, today we have a Bengal cat who is characterized by exotic looks and a nice personality which is why it’s getting more and more popular among cat lovers.
10. Jungle Cat
Jungle cats are exotic cats that originate from Asia and Egypt and are considered to be the largest exotic cats. Again these wild-like cats are only suitable for experienced owners because they aren’t used to captivity and similar.
However, if trained and socialized on time properly, these cats can live up to 15 to 20 years in captivity.
Keeping these cats as pets may not be easy, as they require a quiet area and a lot of secured outdoor space where these cats can enjoy their natural habitat.
11. Siberian Lynx
The Siberian Lynx cat is another big exotic breed of cat. Despite their wildish looks and temperament, these cats can be kept as feline pets.
The thing about these cats is that they have dog-like personalities, which means that they’re playful, active, and intelligent. They’re able to learn quickly, and you may easily teach them to walk on a leash.
However, these cats require an experienced owner that will provide them with a lot of attention and a large space where they can enjoy themselves without causing a mess.