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Two Tigers Locked Up And Abandoned By The Circus Touch Grass And Sense Freedom After 15 Long Years

Two Tigers Locked Up And Abandoned By The Circus Touch Grass And Sense Freedom After 15 Long Years

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Two tigers were abandoned by the circus and left to live in a train for over 15 years. The owner of the property where the train car was left was only instructed to feed them once a week.

Without any stimulation or proper care, these poor tigers had never touched grass or run around – they had only observed the world outside their confinement. They gazed at the grass without knowing what it was.

Their rescuers were heartbroken and knew they had to set them free! These tigers had waited too long for the freedom they should have experienced years ago! 

adult tiger
Source: YouTube

As they said in the video:

“They deserve, immediately, to touch and to live free. We heard about tigers living in a train and we realized this is very urgent.”

They rushed to the scene and worked tirelessly to move the tigers as quickly as possible. Their plan was to transport them to Lionsrock Big Cat Sanctuary, and they were determined to succeed. 

two tigers
Source: YouTube

The tigers were frightened by the sudden flurry of activity around them and the sight of people moving the train. They sensed that something was happening that was very different from their usual routine.

However, their rescuers were confident that the tigers would soon understand the purpose of their efforts. For the first time in their lives, these two tigers would experience grass, a swimming pool, and the joy of a proper life.

beautiful tiger
Source: YouTube

Fortunately, they managed to get the first tiger into the crate without any complications. Gustavo, one of the rescuers, admitted that he began to relax, feeling that their plan was working well.

Soon, the second tiger was also in his crate, and the long journey to their new home began.

They traveled for two days by car and plane to reach their destination, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the tigers’ lives.

big machine
Source: YouTube

The tigers remained relaxed and calm during their journey, a promising sign that they sensed the rescuers’ good intentions. 

Their destination, one of the world’s top big cat sanctuaries, promised to be a true home for them. The day finally arrived for the tigers to be released and experience the freedom they had been destined for.

tigers in big crates
Source: YouTube

The rescuers first released the female tiger carefully, trying not to frighten her. They used a stick with some meat to lure her out from a safe distance. Cautious but determined, she slowly emerged from her crate.

With some tasty food as encouragement, she finally stepped onto the grass. The moment was incredibly emotional, and it brought tears to my eyes. I can only imagine how it felt for her rescuers and everyone present.

tiger laying down
Source: YouTube

As soon as her paws touched the grass, she began to jump around joyfully, transforming from a hissing, frightened tiger into a vibrant, lively one!

At first, she was hesitant to get out, but once she did, she eagerly explored her new surroundings, sniffing and tasting the grass.

big tiger walking
Source: YouTube

The second tiger, an older male, was incredibly frightened. He watched the female tiger outside, yet remained unsure, as if questioning whether it was permissible for him to join her. He was trembling and shivering.

Can you imagine what it must have been like for these two tigers, experiencing grass for the first time in their lives?

tiger in metal crate
Source: YouTube

The male tiger was initially unsure about whether to step outside, but eventually, he gathered the courage and set his paw on the ground.

When the two tigers reunited, it was as if they couldn’t believe what was happening. Their eyes widened in amazement, and they began jumping around in joy. 

They nuzzled each other, bumping heads and breathing heavily in excitement. After sharing so many years together, they were finally experiencing freedom side by side once again.

two big tigers
Source: YouTube

It’s wonderful that the two tigers get to continue living together, but now in a far better place. Thanks to their rescuers and the sanctuary that welcomed them, these tigers have had their lives transformed.

They are now truly living, free from suffering. Everything is new to them – trees, grass, and the freedom to explore. They can claw on trees, breathe fresh air, and even eat the grass. It’s a whole new world and one they’ve always deserved.

two tigers laying down
Source: YouTube

Their story is a powerful reminder that it’s never too late, and there’s always hope for a brighter future.