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Two Tiny Fox Cubs Trapped In An Unimaginable Place During Heavy Rain

Two Tiny Fox Cubs Trapped In An Unimaginable Place During Heavy Rain

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Wildlife Aid Foundation is an amazing organization that helps wildlife in need. Over the past few years, they helped and rehabilitated numerous animals and returned them to their natural habitat.

Two Tiny Fox Cubs Trapped
Credit: Facebook

So when a woman heard desperate cries from her backyard and realized two fox cubs needed urgent help, she immediately phoned Wildlife Aid Foundation.

With no mom to take care of them, the two tiny fox cubs tried to find shelter from the heavy rain. 

fox caught in a trap
Credit: Facebook

They ended up in the woman’s backyard but soon found themselves in a horrible situation. 

While they were trying to hide behind a shed, the two fox siblings got tangled in a soccer net!

a man saves an elephant that has fallen into a trap
Credit: Facebook

The poor souls tried to escape, but they just ended up in a worse situation. Afraid of a fatal outcome, the woman put all her hope in the rescuers who were about to come. 

Simon, the founder of Wildlife Aid, and his colleague managed to cut through the net but soon discovered something heartbreaking. 

One of the fox cubs was trying so hard to escape the soccer net, that it wrapped itself so tightly around his neck.

a man takes a leaf out of a trap
Credit: Facebook

This caused his tongue and neck to swell and they knew they had to rush them to the emergency vet. 

The poor souls were soaking wet, scared, and dehydrated. Luckily, Simon’s volunteers were waiting for them to provide them with a warm and cozy overnight shelter. 

Fortunately, the vet informed them that the swelling wouldn’t cause any issues and it would go away in a matter of hours. 

the man puts the fox in the cage
Credit: Facebook

They cleaned the cubs and placed them in a warm cage where they could recover for the night before releasing them back into the wild.

However, the next day the shelter staff realized that the cub with the swollen tongue was still in a bad condition. 

the man examines the fox's mouth
Credit: Facebook

They decided to leave him in the shelter for a few more days until he fully recovered. In the meantime, his sister was ready to be released. 

They brought her to a safe and enclosed part of their sanctuary, where she could roam free until her brother joined her. 

the fox comes out of the cage
Credit: Facebook

Hopefully, the sweet fox brother will recover soon! Thanks to these amazing rescuers, these fox cubs were saved from what could have been a fatal outcome!