Poppy Rose from Concord, New Hampshire is a true hiking aficionado. Along with her mom, Bree Schuette, she has tackled all 48 of New Hampshire’s 4,000-foot peaks, an achievement few can claim.
However, there’s a catch: Poppy Rose is actually an adorable tiny white bunny!
Yup, that’s right! A two-pound fur ball might just be a better hiker than you and I combined. How incredible is that?

Bree Schuette, a 49-year-old distance runner and avid hiker from Concord, New Hampshire, has always loved outdoor adventures. The idea to include her two-pound bunny, Poppy, in her hiking expeditions emerged unexpectedly.
After the passing of her husband, Bree decided to take her 11-year-old son hiking to help him cope with the loss of his father.
While her son was willing to join her, Bree felt something was still missing.
On a whim, she brought along Poppy Rose, and it turned out to be a perfect addition – transforming their outings into a healing journey for the whole family.

Bree was initially nervous about how her pet bunny would handle the hiking trip. However, Poppy Rose turned out to be a natural!
From the moment her little white paws touched the mountain terrain, Poppy seemed right at home.
She relished the chance to walk with her family, navigate obstacles, and hop around. Poppy also enjoyed being carried in a backpack, savoring the view from a higher vantage point.

Bree made sure Poppy was well-prepared, teaching her to drink from a collapsible bowl and outfitting her with a special harness tailored to her petite size to ensure she wouldn’t get lost.
Bree even bought adorable outfits and special sweaters or fleeces, perfect for those colder hikes.

In an interview with the Boston Globe, Bree said how people were always delighted to encounter her and Poppy on the trails.
Seeing a bunny hiking both surprised them and motivated them to push forward. Bree noted:
“When you’re exhausted in the middle of the hike and you think you can’t go further or do more, seeing this tiny bunny doing it inspires you.”
Sadly, Bree was diagnosed with relapsing polychondritis, a rare disease that causes inflammation of the cartilage and other tissues in the body.
Consequently, her primary focus shifted to resting and recovering for her son’s sake, especially after the recent loss of his father.
Not wishing for him to deal with the loss of another parent, she decided to take a break from hiking and focus on her health.
“My son is only 15. He just lost his dad. I want to be there for him, and I want to give him as long as he possibly can have with me.”

Thankfully, Bree’s friends and fellow hikers gladly agreed to take Poppy Rose on their hiking trips so she didn’t miss out on any new adventures.
Thanks to their support, Poppy Rose conquered many peaks, including the “52 with a view” list.
She even climbed New Hampshire’s 48 peaks, Pretty major accomplishment, if you ask me!

Today, not only is Bree immensely proud of Poppy Rose and all her accomplishments, but she is also deeply grateful to have her in her life. She said:
“Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and somehow I got blessed with a really fluffy, 2-pound little hero.”
Bree has even written a book about her amazing hiking buddy, titled “Poppy Rose, The Hoppy Adventures of a Tiny Mountain Bunny” with all profits going towards her medical expenses.
Here’s hoping Bree’s health improves soon so she can rejoin her beloved bunny in their mountain explorations!