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Mama Bear Goes Frantic As Her Three Cubs Get Trapped In A Dumpster In New Mexico

Mama Bear Goes Frantic As Her Three Cubs Get Trapped In A Dumpster In New Mexico

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When you come across a kitten or puppy in distress, your natural response is to rush to its aid. The same goes for other small, vulnerable animals in need of help. But what do you do when you find a bear cub in trouble?

Tom and Shirley Schenk faced this very challenge. Here’s the remarkable story of how they handled this delicate situation.

Living in Ruidoso, New Mexico, the Schenks were no strangers to black bears. They lived alongside these majestic creatures, observing them with respect and admiration from a safe distance.

One night, they heard a bear cub’s cries coming from a dumpster. Moved by its distressing plea for help, they knew they had to act. However, realizing the potential danger of the mother bear lurking nearby, they decided to wait until dawn.

woman in pickup
Source: YouTube

As dawn broke, Tom and Shirley Schenk loaded a ladder onto their truck, their hearts filled with both concern and hope. They drove to the dumpster where the cries had originated the night before.

Upon arrival, Tom positioned the truck close to the dumpster. With careful and determined movements, Shirley lowered the ladder into it while remaining safely on the truck bed. Nearby, the mother bear watched anxiously.

Once the ladder was securely in place, the Schenks retreated to a safe distance, giving the bear room to escape. They watched from afar, holding their breath and hoping their plan would work out.

To their amazement and joy, not just one but three bear cubs emerged from the dumpster using the ladder. Each cub gripped the rungs tightly, safely descending to safety.

bears in dumpster
Source: YouTube

Who knows how these poor babies ended up here; they must have felt terrified and confused, trapped in this dark, unfamiliar space, longing for their mother.

The heartwarming scene of the cubs finding their way out brought immense relief and joy to Shirley and Tom. They watched in awe as these tiny bears bravely climbed down the ladder, reuniting with their anxious mama.

Together again, the bear family retreated into the comforting embrace of the forest, leaving behind a poignant scene captured on video. Check out their touching reunion below!