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6 Best Breeds For Therapy And Guide Work

6 Best Breeds For Therapy And Guide Work

There is almost nothing our furry companions wouldn’t do for us. They guard us, provide endless entertainment, and shower us with love.

Some take on far more serious roles, such as guiding the impaired or serving as therapy dogs. But, not many breeds can successfully perform such responsible tasks.

Let’s find out which 6 breeds are the best choices for therapy and guide work.

1. Beagle

beagle on mans shoulder
Credit: Shutterstock

Although these can get stubborn, with proper training they become great therapy dogs.

These social creatures have a gentle but also playful side, which makes them perfect for working with children.

Beagles are also highly intuitive, and can sense anxiety and stress. They provide comfort through their calm and loving presence.

2. Bernese Mountain Dog

man cuddling bernese dog
Credit: Shutterstock

This gentle giant is a natural empath, which allows it to create strong bonds and read human emotions.

They are great at comforting people during panic attacks, but can also perform tasks such as recognising high or low blood sugar.

There’s no job too hard for the Bernese Mountain dog, as it would do anything to keep you safe.

3. Golden Retrievers

man in walk with golden retriever
Credit: Shutterstock

These dogs have the need to prove they’re the golden ones!

Their ability to read human emotions serves as a great trait for guiding, as well as for providing emotional support. 

Golden Retrievers are highly intelligent dogs, which makes them easily trainable for any task. 

Although they can perform in various circumstances, they serve best for the visually or hearing impaired.

4. German Shepherd

woman in hug with german shepherd dog
Credit: Shutterstock

No other bond is like the one with a German Shepherd. This loyal breed would never leave your side or let you down!

The German Shepherd easily adapts to various tasks while responding to specific needs. 

Its intelligence enables it to perform many different tasks. Whether it’s guiding the visually or hearing impaired, assisting with mobility, or providing emotional support.

No matter the circumstances, the German Shepherd cannot be a wrong choice.

5. Border Collie

woman hugging border collie dog
Credit: Shutterstock

These dogs just love having a purpose and a task. 

With their high intelligence, Border Collies are among the best suited breeds for therapy work.

Their sensitive site just draws them to please and connect to humans. This allows them to understand and respond to emotions, making you feel less anxious and stressed.

6. Labrador Retriever

labrador in a walk with his owner
Credit: Shutterstock

Labrador Retrievers aren’t only among the most popular breeds in general, they are also the most popular service dog breed.

Whether it’s being therapy or guide dogs, labs prove to be the best at what they do while enjoying doing it.

They’re gentle, social and highly intelligent, which makes them perfect for a job like this.