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7 Surprising Facts About Bald Eagles That You Need To Know

7 Surprising Facts About Bald Eagles That You Need To Know

We associate many things with the bald eagle. They’re quite the powerful and majestic birds after all. The symbols of freedom without a doubt! 

Bald Eagles aren’t just a patriotic icon, though. They’re the definition of boldness and resilience. They got it all: the piercing gaze, impressive wingspan, a larger-than-life reputation, and not to mention a sassy look! 

They’ve earned their place as birds to be admired for a reason! But how much do you really know about these birds? I assure you – there are things you could definitely educate yourself on. 

There’s so much more than meets the eye when it comes to bald eagles! So, soar high and uncover some interesting facts about our feathery friends!

1. Spotting Prey From Far Away

Bald Eagle
Source: Shutterstock

Imagine having superhero vision – the kind that lets you see incredible detail from miles away! That’s the kind of eyesight bald eagles are blessed with! These birds have some of the sharpest eyes in the animal world! 

I personally can appreciate this, since my eyesight is not the greatest. Bald Eagles, though? They’d laugh in my face! Their eyes are four times sharper than an average human’s – which means 4+ times sharper than mine!

To give you an idea, if you and a bald eagle stood on a mountaintop, you would struggle to spot a small object in the distance. Meanwhile, they can spot a fish underwater from miles away

Millions of light-sensitive cells combined with a flatter cornea, plus a second eyelid – no wonder their vision is so good!

2. Mansion Nests

two bald eagles
Source: Shutterstock

Bald eagles don’t settle for small and simple nests like other birds do. When it comes to homes, they go all out. They’re very extra – they build giant homes called eyries

Some of these nests can be quite heavy, weighing up to 2,000 pounds. And in width? 8 feet! That’s larger than your average dinner table, mind you.

What’s even more impressive is their dedication to these nests. They often return to the same one every year – to add and repair! Over time, they grow even bigger and sturdier! There’s a good reason why some of these nests broke records

In one instance, a nest in Florida reached a whopping 20 feet deep and weighed about 4000 pounds! Bald eagles, in conclusion, don’t say “go big, or go home!” They say “go back to your big home” instead! 

3. Super Fast Dives

bald eagle flying
Source: Shutterstock

Sure, soaring through the skies is graceful and elegant. But it can turn scary real quick when they hunt! This elegance turns into raw speed and power right then and there! These birds dive at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour

Picture this: an eagle spots a fish swimming near the surface of a lake. In the blink of an eye, it tucks in its wings and hurtles forward! The dive is quick, dangerous, and bam! The fish has been devoured!

I’d call this a truly extreme roller coaster ride. Would I call it high-stakes, though? Hmm. I am not sure. I’d argue these birds are quite skilled and confident when it comes to hunting prey! After all, they’re some of the speediest birds of prey!

4. Mating For Life

adorable bald eagles
Source: Shutterstock

Did you know that these birds are also known for their loyalty? Add another reason to consider them patriotic wonders! Oftentimes, these birds mate for life. Once they’ve chosen a partner, they stick through thick and thin! 

However, loyalty does come with certain conditions! If one partner isn’t pulling their weight in parenting or maintaining the nest, the other might call it quits and look for a new mate!

Now, do you remember what I said about their nests? Let me expand: they bond with their nests just as strongly, if not stronger. They return to it every year, repairing and building it. So, technically speaking, they’re more loyal to their nests than their partners!

5. Good Swimmers

bald eagle swimming
Source: Shutterstock

While you may associate them solely with soaring above the water, wait till you find out that bald eagles are surprisingly good swimmers! If an eagle catches a fish that’s too heavy to fly with, they don’t give up! They’ll instead paddle to shore with their wings!

Kayak? What kayak? They don’t need one – they’ve got wings! Watching Bald eagles swim is quite the sight – they look determined, oaring away at that water like it’s nothing. 

Swimming isn’t without risks for eagles, though! They must avoid predators like alligators each time they dip in waters. 

6. Near Extinction

bald eagle standing on a rock
Source: Shutterstock

It’s hard to imagine that a bird as iconic as this once faced the danger of possible extinction. During the mid-20th century, bald eagles almost disappeared off the face of the Earth! All because of habitat destruction. 

We liked our produce way too much and used this really dangerous insecticide called DDT. This led to bald eagles almost disappearing! The situation was so dire that the eagles ended up on the endangered animals list in the ‘60s! 

Luckily, thanks to conservation efforts, our birdy friends were saved! DDT was banned and their habitats were protected. 

7. Misnomer 

bald eagle hunting
Source: Shutterstock

The name “bald eagle” might make you think that these birds are missing feathers on their heads. That couldn’t be further from the truth! The word “bald” is related to the Old English word ‘balde’, meaning white. 

It refers to the eagle’s white head, not a full-blown Dwayne Johnson situation. This name makes sense when you consider the contrast between the dark brown bodies and their snowy white heads and tails!

Next time you use the name, remember that it refers to the appearance and the white head. You can also have fun with this information and come up with ways to poke fun at bald friends (don’t overdo it, though – keep it in good spirits).