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Hair Saloon Owner Finds The Tiniest Helpless Animal In Front Of His Store 

Hair Saloon Owner Finds The Tiniest Helpless Animal In Front Of His Store 

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When Eric closed his salon for the day and was about to go home, he had no idea his life was about to change for the better.

Right in front of his store in the middle of the street, he saw something as tiny as a bean moving and wiggling around. 

animal on the stone pavement
Credit: YouTube

Curious, Eric approached the tiny wiggler only to realize it was a little mouse. As Eric said in his video:

“It seemed like she was probably days old, she just barely had hair, and her eyes were not open. I thought ‘I don’t know what to do with this thing, I’ve never been around mice before’.”

a man holds the smallest animal in his hand
Credit: YouTube

Moved by the state of this tiny creature, Eric decided to bring her home; the rest was history!

Abandoned by her mom, this tiny mouse was no bigger than a bean so Eric adorably named her Molly Bean. 

the man in the picture feeds the smallest animal
Credit: YouTube

He researched on what she could eat and how to feed her and spent the next few weeks nursing little Molly back to life. 

He would get up in the middle of the night to feed her, while she rested peacefully in his hands. He also shared:

“She would always take a nap either under my beard, or I would just hold her in my hands and rub on her.”

the woman is holding a mouse in her hands
Credit: YouTube

Eric knew that Molly’s survival depended on him, so he made sure to spend every minute close to her. As said:

“Just knowing that I was all she had and her only chance at survival at that point, it was pretty important to me.”

the mouse runs in the merry-go-round
Credit: YouTube

Soon enough, Molly opened her big cartoon-like eyes and started running around. Eric initially thought that once she was big enough, she would run off and start her own life as a wild mouse.

However, it turned out that Molly only had eyes for Eric and she had no plans of leaving him! 

a man takes a picture with a mouse under his shirt
Credit: YouTube

Eric made her a special little place in his salon where she spends every day playing with her toys, while Eric tends to his clients.

At the end of the day, Molly crawls inside Eric’s beard for some well-deserved cuddles! Thanks to Eric, tiny Molly got a second chance at life and she sure does enjoy every minute of it!Make sure to follow the amazing duo over on Instagram and join them in their amazing adventures!