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Soldier Finds Baby Squirrel In Critical Condition And Ends Up Changing His Life For The Better

Soldier Finds Baby Squirrel In Critical Condition And Ends Up Changing His Life For The Better

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Everybody loves a good animal rescue story, and the one you’re about to read is truly heartwarming!

A kind-hearted warrant officer named Pyotr Pankratau was serving in the military when he noticed a tiny baby squirrel struggling under a nearby tree. The poor animal was in critical condition, barely clinging to life.

Despite his military duties, Pyotr knew he couldn’t just leave the squirrel there to pass away. 

So he scooped him up and took him to his base where he began syringe-feeding it milk every four hours.

baby squirrel
Source: Pyotr Pankratau

Recalling the event in an interview, Pyotr said:

“He was lying unconscious under the tree. There were worms in his mouth and right eye, I took them out. However, two weeks later everything got back to normal. I fed him with baby food and milk through a syringe… Then his teeth came out and he started eating himself. Half a year later I vaccinated and registered him.”

The little squirrel, dubbed Minks, eventually made a full recovery and stayed with Pyotr throughout his two years of military service. 

But their adventure didn’t end there…

squirrel in hand
Source: Pyotr Pankratau

When Pyotr left the army, he became a taxi driver, and guess what – from day one, Minsk has been by his side, acting as his co-driver.

“I took him with me everywhere, in the army, everywhere. So he got used to this.”

Pyotr made Minsk a comfy bed on the dashboard, which he rarely leaves. Minsk is very well-trained and knows his place in the cab.

squirrel in car
Source: Pyotr Pankratau

Pyotr keeps little Minks out of sight during his rides because he doesn’t want to disturb his passengers. He explains:

“I don’t show him to everyone. I mean, what’s the point? Why disturb him all the time? I show him to kids.”

That makes sense to me. Some adults might find the presence of a squirrel alarming, whereas children are generally more delighted by such surprises. 

Based on that reaction, I guess I’m still a kid at heart, haha.

solider and squirrel
Source: Pyotr Pankratau

Pyotr really loves his unusual friend, Minsk. When talking about him, he says:

“He likes to sleep with me, close to my neck. He is very independent. There are no better animals.”

This story takes me back to my childhood when I always wanted a squirrel, but my parents wouldn’t allow it. Pyotr has inspired me to reconsider; I think having a squirrel would be fun. What do you think?

Also, have you ever had a squirrel as a pet? If so, I’d love to hear your story.