One day, a wildlife rescuer Elle received a distressing call that led her to a challenging situation. She found a skunk in a churchyard, weak and covered in flies.
The poor skunk was in a very bad condition, with flies swarming around it, indicating a serious problem called fly strike.

This happens when flies lay eggs on an animal’s wound, and the resulting maggots cause infection and tissue damage. In this case, the infestation was severe.
However, the rescuer didn’t let the tough situation stop her from helping. She quickly got to work by using baby powder to dry up the eggs and make it easier to remove the maggots. Even though it was a gross job, it had to be done.

The skunk was also treated for internal parasites and given fluids to help with dehydration. After a thorough check-up, it was clear that the skunk, now named Andy, was in bad shape.
Not only did he have maggots in a wound near his jaw, but there were three more in different parts of his body.

Andy immediately was put on antibiotics to fight the infection. Despite the sad situation, there was some kind of hope. He was given a cozy place to rest and fluids with dextrose to help him recover.
However, Andy’s condition was too severe for the rescuer to help him.

Even though she tried her best, Andy couldn’t survive his injuries and passed away after just five days. He put up a good fight, but the parasites caused too much internal damage.

It’s impossible not to feel sad for Andy, but we should remember that he was really brave and received a lot of love and care in his last days.
@greenewildlife Skunk Rescue #riverbanditwildliferescue #skunk #wildlife ♬ Beautiful and emotional instrumental music(1044200) – MaxRecStudio