Unlike dogs who wear their emotions on their wagging tails, stoic cat faces can’t tell us as much. Their happiness isn’t always obvious, and many cat owners find themselves wondering if their feline friend is truly happy.
But rest assured! Cats are mysterious, but it doesn’t mean they don’t love you! They just have a set of unique ways for expressing their joy. It’s a whole complicated list of signs that you gotta keep an eye out for!
It all seems so intimidating at first. But you have to try! Understanding these behaviors will strengthen the bond between you two, and it will ensure you’re meeting all their needs. In turn, your cat will be meeting all of your needs, too.
That’s why lists like these are more than necessary. So come along, and let’s uncover the clues to cat joy. There are so many telltale ones for us to find!
1. Purring

That soothing and rhythmic sound your cat makes is more than just pleasant white noise for your anxiety. It’s an almost-sure sign of happiness! When a kitty purrs while snuggling with you or lounging around, they’re letting you know that they feel happy and relaxed. Purrs are, in that way, like smiles!
A happy purr is usually combined with soft, half-closed eyes and calm body language. And if those purrs come with an extra of kneading paws on the side? It’s the ultimate sign that your cat is over the moon happy! You’ve officially hit the jackpot!
But here is a little-known fact: cats don’t only purr when they’re happy. They can also purr to soothe themselves when they’re stressed or in painful situations! In essence, while purring usually means joy, make sure to observe the context!
2. High Tail

A happy or confident cat walks around with their tail held high, like they own the room – and let’s be honest, they probably do! A high tail is cat tongue for “I feel good, life’s fantastic, but leave me alone!”
If the tip of their tail twitches while it’s held high, take it as an extra-special compliment. This tiny and slight movement has huge implications – it means they’re particularly excited to see you!
On the other hand, a sad-looking and droopy tail might signal nervousness or sadness. Keep an eye out!
3. Slow Blinks

Ever noticed your cat giving you a slow, deliberate blink? Congratulations – you’ve just received a kitty love letter! Cats slowly blink at you to communicate how much they trust and love you!
Think of it this way: if you were in the wilderness, would you ever close your eyes knowing that danger is just around the corner? Of course not – it would be unthinkable! That’s why closing eyes around another creature is a huge display of vulnerability.
In short – they have faith in you! Do you want to return the love? No problem! Slow-blink back!
4. Kneading

There’s something irresistibly adorable about cats in general. But cats kneading their paws? One of the most adorable things in the entire world! And when they do it to you? Oh goodness! Cuteness overload!
You see, when they are little kittens, kneading their momma’s belly stimulates milk flow. So, if a cat kneads you, they’re associating you with that same warm and secure feeling of a cat mom, saying, “You’re my safe place.”
Kneading is one of the highest compliments a cat can give, honestly!
5. Playfulness

Playing is an outlet for energy, curiosity, and joy. That means that a playful cat is a happy cat! If your whiskered friend is zooming around the house or pouncing on a toy like a tiny predator, I assure you, they’re in a fantastic mood!
Cats of all ages benefit from play, so don’t think it’s just a kitten thing! Play keeps them mentally stimulated and physically fit.
Engaging in playtime is also important! If you want to bond with your cat even more, join in the fun! Dangle a toy or toss a ball! They will love it.
6. Grooming

Cats are quite the cleanliness fanatics! A happy cat will take pride in their appearance, so they spend time keeping their fur clean and perfect for your cuddly hands!
Our meowy friends even extend their grooming habits to others that they care about, including you! On the flip side, if a cat stops grooming, it could indicate stress, unhappiness, or illness.
All in all, if your feline friend is keeping their coat shiny and smooth, it’s a great sign that they’re in a good place (both mentally, and physically)!
7. Head-Butting

If you’ve ever had a cat gently bump their head against you or rub their cheek on your leg, you were crowned the chosen cat parent! This is known as “bunting” – and it is how cats show that you’re theirs and no one else’s!
You may think I’m exaggerating, but I’m serious! Scent glands on cats’ heads and cheeks exist for a reason! Rubbing their scent on you is essentially leaving a little love note that says “Mine!”
8. Curled-Up Naptime

Cats are naturally cautious animals. They always stay alert to potential harm and danger. That’s why seeing your hairy friend curled up in a vulnerable position is such a big deal! If they feel safe enough in a vulnerable position, consider yourself lucky.
It means that they’re fully at ease with you! A cat that naps belly-up or snuggled up on your lap is a feline who’s ready to be comfy together, forever and ever!
Cherish these moments. They’re of course adorable, but that’s not all – they’re there to show you your cat’s love and vulnerability. In a world that can be rather cruel to animals, it should be appreciated.