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RSPCA Heroine Uses Unexpected Method To Free A Deer Trapped In Metal Bars

RSPCA Heroine Uses Unexpected Method To Free A Deer Trapped In Metal Bars

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In today’s tale, an RSPCA officer came up with a surprising way to save a deer that was caught between the bars of a metal gate. 

deer trapped in metal bars
Credit: RSPCA

It all began when a passerby spotted the deer in distress and called for assistance. 

When Catherine Strawford, the animal collection officer, arrived, she discovered the muntjac deer wedged between two metal bars. 

The deer had attempted to leap through a small six-inch gap but misjudged and got stuck. Catherine first tried to pull the deer out, but couldn’t get it free. 

Then she had a clever idea: she decided to use dish soap to make the deer’s fur slippery, which would help it get free. 

After applying the soapy solution, Catherine spent another 20 minutes carefully working to release the deer from the railings. 

With her patience and determination, she finally succeeded in freeing the animal, which had been trapped already for quite some time. 

The deer looked both relieved and exhausted, so Catherine cleaned it up before allowing it to return to the wild. She felt really happy to have helped the deer and kept it safe.

However, this wasn’t the first time she found herself in a situation like this. She often gets called to help deer that are stuck, and she usually tries using dish soap or cooking oil to free them from the railings. 

It turns out that this method is often less stressful for the deer compared to waiting for the fire department to arrive. Of course, if she couldn’t get the deer out, she would have called for their help. 

Either way, it’s really nice to know this deer got out without any harm, and I hope he learns something from this experience.