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Rescued Circus Lions Taste Freedom, Feeling The Earth Beneath Their Paws For The First Time

Rescued Circus Lions Taste Freedom, Feeling The Earth Beneath Their Paws For The First Time

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It is a devastating fact that thousands of wild animals are still kept in circuses worldwide, forced to perform unnatural and demeaning tricks for crowds. 

Many of these animals were born in captivity, never experiencing the freedom or wilderness of their natural habitats. 

Such cruelty severely impacts their welfare, as seen with Tarzan and Tanya, two circus lions who had never felt grass under their paws

Until one day, everything changed…

a lion lies in a cage
Credit: YouTube

Tarzan and Tanya have been caged in a circus for over eight years – or in other words, their entire lives. 

From when they were just cubs, they were exploited for cruel amusement to entertain circus visitors. 

However, after years spent in this unnatural environment, a twist of fate changed their destiny when Jan and Tim, president and vice president of Animal Defenders International, intervened. 

They were determined to rescue Tarzan, Tanya, and nine other tigers, aiming to transport these wild cats to a sanctuary in South Africa where they could live freely.

As Jan explained in an interview:

“At ADI, we want to change the world for animals. We show governments that if they ban animal circuses, we will rescue the animals. Our goal is to get Tarzan and Tanya to the best level of health that we can and get them to our sanctuary in South Africa.”

lion and lioness cuddle
Credit: YouTube

Upon seeing Tarzan and Tanya, Jan and Tim immediately noticed the strong bond between them; the two lions were inseparable, spending every moment together. 

They learned from circus staff that the lions had protected each other during fights with other wild cats. 

Just days before Jan and Tim’s arrival, Tarzan had been injured in a fight with a tiger, and Tanya had come to his defense. 

This underscored the importance of not separating them, given their deeply meaningful and powerful relationship.

the woman takes care of the lion and the lioness
Credit: YouTube

Before transporting them to South Africa, Jan and Tim ensured their health was thoroughly checked, and Tarzan’s injured lip was treated. 

They moved them to a nearby sanctuary where something magical occurred: For the first time in years, Tarzan and Tanya felt soft grass under their paws instead of cold circus concrete. 

Reflecting on this significant moment, Tim noted Tarzan’s cautious approach, while Tanya, more confident, boldly stepped out of her enclosure, ready to guard the territory and protect her friend.

portrait of a lion
Credit: YouTube

After adjusting to their new environment, it was time to address Tarzan’s health issues; he was clearly in pain from an infected tooth. 

Dr. Gonzales stepped in to perform the necessary dental cleaning. Fortunately, Tarzan’s surgery went smoothly, and he recovered quickly. In a matter of days, he bounced back, displaying his playful nature. 

Throughout his recovery, his companion Tanya stayed by his side, offering support.

the lion chases the tire
Credit: YouTube

Both Tarzan and Tanya benefited immensely from their new surroundings; there was a noticeable shift in their demeanor, and they transformed completely. As Jan put it:

“You see a personality blossom. They become actually like kittens. They transform, enjoying life, in the way that they should have, all the way along.” 

Once Jan and Tim were confident that Tarzan and Tanya were happy, healthy, and ready for the next chapter, they prepared them for their journey to a sanctuary in South Africa.

the sad look of the lion to the side
Credit: YouTube

Flying across the globe to their final destination was undoubtedly a stressful journey. To ensure all the wild cats remained calm, Jan sprayed some lavender oil around them, which is generally known for its calming properties. 

When it came to flying several wild cats in a plan, Jan observed their peculiar behavior, saying:

“It must be something to do with the change in air pressure, but they know when we’re coming in to land. And then everyone starts roaring. They’re saying ‘Hello’ to Africa!”

The moment Tarzan and Tanya stepped onto South African soil, it was as if they knew they were home. 

Here are Tarzan’s first steps…

lioness in the field
Credit: YouTube

And here are Tanya’s…

the circus lion escaped
Credit: YouTube

They both appeared to be bewildered and amazed by the nature surrounding them. It was clear: They loved their new home!

Talking about the significance of that moment, Jan said:

“Tanya and Tarzan spent their whole lives in a fearful, bare, and barren environment. Now, they have their own home. Together. Forever.”

a lion and a lioness lie in the open and look around
Credit: YouTube

I’m thrilled for Tarzan and Tanya and hope that other wild animals can experience similar freedom. 

I also hope that society will one day recognize that animals do not belong in circuses and that as humans, we should not disrupt their natural habitats or force them to perform tasks they are not meant to do.

Every animal deserves to live freely, and we should never forget that!