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Couple Divorces And Heartlessly Dumps Their 5-Month-Old Puppy On The Street 

Couple Divorces And Heartlessly Dumps Their 5-Month-Old Puppy On The Street 

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A couple of days ago, a devoted rescue group was informed about an innocent puppy named Korzhik who was left homeless.

According to the sources, after his owners divorced and moved out of their family home, neither was willing to take responsibility for the innocent pup.

Instead of taking him to a shelter, they abandoned him on the road, leaving him to fend for himself.

It’s a heartbreaking reminder of how human pride and cruelty often leave no room for basic decency. 

abandoned puppy
Source: YouTube

When the rescuers arrived at the location where little Korzhik had been abandoned, they discovered that a couple of janitors had already taken him under their caring wing.

Moved by the dog’s plight, they provided food, water, and, most importantly, the love he desperately needed at that moment. 

However, as they were already caring for several stray dogs, they knew they couldn’t continue looking after Korzhik. 

Hoping for a better solution, they reached out to the rescuers, trusting they could give him the help he needed.

woman petting abandoned dog
Source: YouTube

Thankfully, the rescuers were more than happy to help little Korzhik, determined to change his life for the better and help him forget the trauma of being abandoned. 

They first took him to a local vet clinic for a much-needed checkup. 

The vet thoroughly examined Korzhik and determined that he was only five months old, with a bright and healthy future ahead of him. 

At the clinic, Korzhik was dewormed, treated for fleas, and vaccinated. After that, the rescuer took him home.

couple bathing a dog
Source: YouTube

Because he had been living on the street for a few days, Korzhik needed a thorough bath.

So his rescuers got down to business! They placed him in a large plastic container in the yard, applied some dog-friendly shampoo, and bathed their new canine friend under the warm summer sun. 

Korzhik enjoyed every second of his bath – just like the good boy he was! Afterward, his rescuers dried him off and offered him some yummy treats as a reward.

young woman and dog
Source: YouTube

Korzhik quickly realized that his new home wasn’t bad at all! He had a big yard with soft grass to run and roll around on, and kind humans to play with. 

His rescuers adored him, and how could they not? Korzhik was such a sweet and innocent soul, the ‘goodest’ boy who didn’t deserve to be abandoned so cruelly.

But thankfully, he gained new human friends who loved him deeply and were determined to help him find his forever family.

young woman playing with dog
Source: YouTube

Like any dog, Korzhik deserves all the love this world can offer. I hope he soon finds his forever person, someone willing to love him for the rest of his life.