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Oakland Team Races To Save Puppies Left Outside Shelter But Their Mission Ends In Heartbreak

Oakland Team Races To Save Puppies Left Outside Shelter But Their Mission Ends In Heartbreak

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One day, the staff at the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge (RBARI) in Oakland, New Jersey, was getting ready for another busy day. They were used to handling various cases, but nothing could prepare them for what they faced that day.

It started like any other morning until a staff member noticed a small box near the entrance of the Paterson shelter, barely visible in the early light.

Inside, shivering and silent, were three tiny puppies huddled together, their eyes pleading for help.

three puppies are lying on a gray blanket
Credit: Facebook

The puppies were frail, each barely eight weeks old, with thin coats and potbellies that hinted at malnutrition. There was no sign of their mother or other siblings – just these three little lives abandoned on a cold pavement, left to fend for themselves.

The puppies looked like miniature Boston terriers and the rescuers suspected they might be victims of irresponsible breeding practices. It was a heartbreaking sight, but also an urgent call to action for the team.

cute black and white puppies
Credit: Facebook

The team scooped the puppies up and wrapped them in blankets to provide warmth and comfort. They soon learned that the puppies were underweight, their breathing was labored, and their tiny bodies were clearly struggling.

The rescuers couldn’t help but feel both sadness and anger – sadness for the little ones who’d been discarded like trash, and anger at those who would allow such innocent lives to suffer for the sake of profit.

They rushed them to a nearby hospital, where the pups were given immediate medical care. It was there that they received their names: Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.

the brown puppy looks around
Credit: Facebook

The vets worked tirelessly, administering fluids, medication, and high-quality food to stabilize the puppies. As they warmed up and received the attention they desperately needed, the adorable siblings finally began to show a spark of life.

Despite the progress, the team knew they were facing an uphill battle. Tests revealed that all three puppies were battling respiratory infections, a common consequence of poor living conditions and lack of care.

Still, the puppies were fighters. Under the watchful eyes of their rescuers, they started to show glimpses of their true selves – playful, curious, and full of potential.

the puppies eat the wound from the bowl
Credit: Facebook

The puppies were then moved to a foster home where they could receive round-the-clock care in a more comforting environment. There, they experienced soft beds, warm meals, and loving people who cared about their future.

Their transformation was heartwarming: Alvin, Simon, and Theodore were no longer just abandoned puppies but beloved pets on the mend. RBARI team was thrilled to share the news on their progress in a Facebook post:

“All three pups are spunky, running around, wrestling, and playing hide and seek one minute – then snuggling and giving love the next.”

puppies in front of the camera
Credit: Facebook

However, the journey wasn’t without heartbreak. Just as it seemed all three might pull through, Alvin’s health began to deteriorate and despite the best efforts of his caregivers, his condition worsened.

A few days later, RBARI shared the sad news that Alvin had passed away. His little body had been through too much – his severe cleft palate, congenital hydrocephalus, and neurological complications were simply too great to overcome.

The loss was a blow to everyone who’d grown attached to the sweet, brave pup who had fought so hard.

portrait of a puppy in the hands of the owner
Credit: Facebook

Alvin’s story, though tragic, wasn’t in vain. His short life highlighted why it’s so important to stand up against careless breeding practices that treat animals like disposable objects.

It really makes you think – every little life deserves love and care, and it’s up to us to ensure these innocent animals aren’t just thrown away when things get tough.

We have the power to change that, and it all starts with a bit of compassion and responsibility.