As dog parents our number one priority is making sure our canine companions are safe. Unfortunately, sometimes we can’t control everything and our dogs end up in some sort of trouble.

This is exactly what happened to a couple named Melissa and Byron. The two are proud parents of a rescue Pit Bull named Jessie and a tiny Pomeranian named Chucky.
One day they came home only to find Chucky completely drenched and shivering. At first, they couldn’t figure out what could have happened, so Melissa decided to rewind the security footage.

This is when they discovered something heartwrenching. Chucky was out in the backyard just enjoying the sunny weather.
However, just seconds later poor Chucky ended up in a dreadful situation. The poor thing fell into the pool, but there was a catch.

Chucky hated water and didn’t know how to swim. In addition, he was already a senior dog and his energy levels were super low.
In that moment, the hero from today’s story showed up. Their rescue Pit Bull Jessie came out once she heard the splashing.

Jessie instantly went into full panic mode. She wasn’t a big water fan as well, but she knew she had to do something and save her brother Chucky. As Byron said in a video:
“When we saw Jessie not leaving Chucky alone, and just going around and around the pool with him, just looking out for him, it was such a proud moment to see.”
What amazed me the most was that Jessie understood her little brother was in danger. She knew she had to save him before it was too late.

Chucky was splashing and paddling around in the pool, while Jessie tried to figure out the best way to pull him out.
She gently grabbed him by his head, but afraid to injure him she quickly dropped him back.

Jessie kept pacing around, while Chucky waited to be rescued. Finally, after the longest 34 minutes in Chucky’s life, Jessie managed to pull him out of the water.
While Chucky tried to find a place to rest for a bit, Jessie kept following him just to make sure he was alright.
What a sweet and brave girl, am I right? As her dad, Byron beautifully said:
“To see a rescue dog go from being a rescue dog to being the rescuer, is just an amazing, amazing thing.”

To make things even better, Jessie received a medal from the shelter where she was adopted from!
Chucky was luckily unharmed, but from that day on he kept his distance from the pool. If it weren’t for brave Jessie, little Chucky could have faced a fatal outcome.