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Pilots Rescue A Bear Cub From An Airport Runway And Give Him A Second Chance At Life

Pilots Rescue A Bear Cub From An Airport Runway And Give Him A Second Chance At Life

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When Andrei, a tandem pilot, showed up for work one day, little did he know his life was about to change for the better.

While Andrei was checking one of his airplanes, he noticed an unusual movement down on the runway. He called one of his colleagues to come check with him and the two men were soon left baffled.

bear cub near airplane
Source: YouTube

In the middle of the airport runway, a small bear cub was playing around with the tools some of the engineers left. 

Andrei immediately scanned the area looking for his mom, but it seemed the poor thing was all alone. 

Andrei and his colleague approached the tiny bear and the sweet thing instantly started playing with them! This is when Andrei realized the bear cub’s fate was in his hands…

The Bear Cubs Journey 

cute bear cub
Source: YouTube

Naming the bear cub Mansur, the pilots agreed to take care of him until they found a proper wildlife sanctuary. 

During this time little Mansur was living his life to the fullest. The pilots would bring him along while they were fixing some small stuff around, making sure little Mansur was entertained.

man and bear cub
Source: YouTube

Once they finished their work, Andrei would take Mansur to his home. He would let the bear cub swim around in his swimming pool and play in his garden, while Andrei prepared his food.

However, Andrei was worried Mansur would get too attached to humans. He made it his mission to find a wildlife rehabber willing to take Mansur in.

adorable bear cub
Source: YouTube

Andrei’s dream was to release Mansur back into the wilderness where he belonged, away from the bustling city and away from people.

Unfortunately, in the small town where they were living finding a rehabilitation center for bears was almost impossible. 

Most of them were equipped only for small wild animals, and no one was able to take Mansur in. 

man playing with bear cub
Source: YouTube

So when Andrei received a call from a man who was willing to help and transport the bear cub to a facility in a neighboring town, Andrei was ecstatic. 

The thought of little Mansur being able to return to his natural habitat brought tears of joy to Andrei’s eyes. 

Although it was hard to say goodbye, he knew it was the right thing to do. So a month after they found little Mansur it was time to part their ways… or was it?

Mansur’s Second Rescue

dogs and bear
Source: YouTube

Once Mansur left, Andrei just couldn’t stop thinking about him. He wanted to visit the bear one last time before he was released.

However, once he contacted the rehabilitation center he was told that Mansur never stepped foot there. 

Andrei was confused, angry, and scared for Mansur’s well-being. He contacted his pilot colleague and the two tracked down the man who promised to take Mansur to the wildlife center. 

shack and fences
Source: YouTube

It turned out that the man was a wildlife poacher, who took advantage of Andrei and sold Mansur.

This was the moment Andrei’s heart broke into a million pieces. The thought of Mansur being mistreated in any way made his blood boil.

man saving a bear cub
Source: YouTube

From this moment on he was determined to find Mansur and rescue him for the second time around. 

It took them some time to track down the man who bought Mansur. The man who bought him was using Mansur to train his hunting dogs. 

He would tie Mansur to a tree while his dogs surrounded the poor bear. At the end of the day, they would lock him in a cage filled with his excrement.

man feeding bear cub
Source: YouTube

Andrei and his colleague decided to pose as potential hunting dog buyers, hoping to come close to Mansur. 

Once he saw the conditions poor Mansur was living in, Andrei couldn’t hold back anymore. He confronted the man and managed to free Mansur from his miserable situation.

The Bear And His Forever Home

bear and apples
Source: YouTube

Since Mansur was a grown bear now, it was impossible to release him back into the wild. 

Andrei decided to raise funds and he managed to build Mansur his sanctuary, where he could live happily for the rest of his life. 

bear and man in pool
Source: YouTube

The bond Mansur and Andrei share is one of a kind. Andrei spends every spare minute taking care of him, and he makes sure Mansur always has fresh fruit and some fresh honey to snack on.

Andrei’s dream is to help other wild animals who were illegally sold to facilities like the one Mansour found himself in.

man kissing a bear
Source: YouTube

I honestly hope he succeeds in his mission, as no animal should face such a fate. Thanks to Andrei, Mansur was given a second chance at life, twice!