Mikey, an adorable Kunekune pig, lives in Arthur’s Acres Animal Sanctuary in New York. This sanctuary is a haven for rescued pigs who had a rough start in life.
This was also the case for little Mikey, as he was almost euthanized after a vicious dog attack.

When he was just a tiny piglet, a dog bit his head fracturing his skull. Mikey was transported to the emergency vet, but they had little to no faith he would survive.
The vet contacted Todd Friedman, the founder of the sanctuary. He explained the situation Mikey was in, and if no one covered his medical bill, the poor thing would be euthanized.

Although Todd never met Mikey, he immediately agreed to cover all medical expenses. His love for animals was stronger than anything and Todd couldn’t bear the thought of poor Mikey being put down.

Surprisingly, little Mikey survived the surgery. The vet had to pull out tiny bone fragments out of his brain, but Mikey was a true warrior.
Todd was eager to welcome Mikey in his sanctuary and he made sure his road to recovery was smooth. Although he suffered from respiratory problems after the surgery, Todd stayed by his side until he was completely healed.

Since Mikey suffered from a brain injury, sometimes his movements were wobbly and he couldn’t walk by himself. However, Todd never gave up on him.
With hundreds of rehabbed pigs in his sanctuary, he knew Mikey would thrive one day. His dedication and love for animals helped little Mikey overcome the challenges life has thrown at him.

From that moment on, Mikey became the absolute favorite pig in the sanctuary. Today, he enjoys cuddling and playing in the water! Just look at his adorable snout!
He was even selected as the ‘mayor’ of the sanctuary as he welcomes new pigs every day and helps them adjust to their new surroundings.
Todd is forever grateful for the chance he got to save Mikey and provide him with the best life possible.

Make sure to follow Todd over on Instagram where he regularly updates his followers on all the mischievous things his pigs are up to!