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Pennsylvania Hero Finds Blind Woodchuck In Backyard Desperately Fighting For Life

Pennsylvania Hero Finds Blind Woodchuck In Backyard Desperately Fighting For Life

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Finding a woodchuck lying motionless is not something you see every day, but that’s exactly what happened in one suburban backyard.

When the homeowners noticed a woodchuck that wasn’t moving in their yard, and after watching it for three days without any signs of life, they decided to remove it with a shovel. 

photo of woodchuck
Credit: Instagram

Luckily, before they could do any harm, they realized the woodchuck was still alive, although barely. 

The homeowners immediately got in touch with wildlife rescuer Molly Ryan, who has experience taking care of woodchucks. 

Without hesitation, Molly took in the furry survivor and named her Coco. However, Coco was in really bad shape.

woodchuck on doorstep
Credit: Instagram

She was severely dehydrated, and not moving for days let birds peck at her head. The normally plump woodchuck was nothing but skin and bones when Molly found her. 

But Coco’s strong will to survive was clear. With time and Molly’s careful help, Coco started to get better and stronger. 

As Coco got healthier, something unexpected happened – a special bond started to form between Molly and Coco.

blind woodchuck
Credit: Instagram

At first, Molly kept Coco in her bedroom to watch her closely. But soon enough, Coco was snuggling up in bed, just like a beloved pet. 

As Coco started to feel more at home exploring the house, Molly noticed something strange. She seemed to walk in circles, and her eyes were always half-closed like she was sleepwalking. 

woman sleeping next to woodchuck
Credit: Instagram

Later, a visit to the vet confirmed Molly’s fears: Coco was blind. Even though Molly usually aims to release animals back into the wild as a wildlife rehabilitator, she knew that wouldn’t be an option for a blind woodchuck.

Instead, Coco ended up becoming a part of the Ryan family forever. She discovered a new passion as an “animal educator.”

photo of blind woodchuck
Credit: Instagram

She now goes with Molly to teach others about how to safely be around wild animals. What a great way to end the story!