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Camera Captures A Heartfelt Moment Of Panda Mom Embracing Her Baby She Initially Rejected

Camera Captures A Heartfelt Moment Of Panda Mom Embracing Her Baby She Initially Rejected

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In one panda reserve, a beautiful panda named Miu Miu was going through a very difficult labor. 

After three days of unbearable pain, there was still no sign of her baby. 

This tragic turn of events saddened the reserve keepers, who feared that the reason the panda cub wasn’t being born was because it had already passed away.

big panda
Credit: BBC Earth

Despite enduring immense pain, the brave panda Miu Miu persevered. Her resilience paid off when she defied the odds and gave birth to a tiny, adorable baby panda. 

To everyone’s delight, Miu Miu became the mother of a lovely daughter, a true miracle in the reserve.

panda with her baby
Credit: BBC Earth

Pandas, known for their distinct black and white fur, give birth to offspring that are tiny, pink, blind, and virtually bald. 

Interestingly, pandas have the smallest babies relative to the mother’s size. 

To keepers’ surprise, Miu Miu’s daughter weighed in at an unusual 7.5 ounces, which was almost double the average size for a newborn panda. 

Concerned for her well-being, the keepers took the baby to the nursery for a health check and any necessary medical care.

veterinarian holding baby panda
Credit: BBC Earth

At the nursery, Miu Miu’s baby proved to be quite the fighter, just like her mom! After her examination, she was ready to be reunited with her mother. 

However, the keepers encountered another potential issue.

baby panda
Credit: BBC Earth

It is crucial for a baby panda to stay with its mother during the early stages to bond properly. 

Unfortunately, because Miu Miu’s daughter had to be separated early on for health checks, she hadn’t bonded with her mother as needed. 

Moreover, the various procedures at the nursery had left her covered in unfamiliar scents. 

The keepers were worried: What if these unfamiliar smells caused Miu Miu to reject her daughter?

baby panda goes to her motheer
Credit: BBC Earth

Nervous, the keepers took the baby panda to Miu Miu’s enclosure, placing her directly in front of her. 

As they feared, Miu Miu initially showed no interest. Her reluctance was alarming, as it suggested she might completely reject her baby. 

The daughter cried for her mother, who remained aloof in the corner, seemingly indifferent to her cries.

panda looking at baby panda
Credit: BBC Earth

Refusing to lose hope, the keepers persisted, gradually bringing the baby closer to Miu Miu as time went by.

To everyone’s surprise, a shift occurred in Miu Miu; her maternal instinct kicked in, and she tenderly embraced her daughter.

The heartfelt moment was captured on camera, and you can see now just how emotional it actually was:

I’m so glad Miu Miu finally accepted her tiny daughter whom she waited for so long. Such reunions truly tug at my heartstrings. 

How about you? Did this heartwarming reunion touch you as well? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!