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When Sarah Keith met Ella, a sweet one-year-old Border Collie, she never imagined they would share 11 beautiful years together.  Ella’s first owner, a farmer, had reared her to be a sheepdog but soon realized she wasn’t suited for the task.  He decided to get another puppy, and that’s when Ella went to live with …

Read More about Woman’s Final Walk With Her Terminally Ill Dog Leads To An Emotional And Unforgettable Event

Cows often wander away from the herd, but almost always find their way back. However, such wandering can lead them to unexpected and dangerous places, putting their lives at risk. That’s exactly what happened to this giant cow when she got separated from her herd. Fortunately, a brave group of friends noticed her in time …

Read More about Friends Risk Their Lives To Save A Giant Cow From Drowning In A Deep Lake

A strange sight unfolded before the eyes of Californian residents: a bald animal digging through trash cans.  When they discovered this odd creature, they were confused. It turned out to be a young black bear with a bad case of mange.  The bear, named Eve, was saved and taken to the California Department of Fish …

Read More about Bear With Skin Disease Discovered In Dumpster Makes Amazing Comeback

Wild animal moms work day and night to provide a safe place for their babies. With dangerous predators lurking from behind every corner, these moms constantly worry about the well-being of their babies.  Today’s story is about such a hard-working fox mom, who found an unusual place to hide her babies from the dangers around …

Read More about Fox Mom Decides To Hide Her Babies In An Unusual Place Sparking A Heart-Melting Rescue 

Honey’s quest for a forever home was fraught with challenges. Despite her loving personality and zest for life, potential adopters often hesitated, swayed by her physical differences rather than her vibrant spirit. Honey had a crooked neck that made her stand out from other ducks. However, when Alma entered Honey’s life, everything changed for the …

Read More about Disabled Duck Rejected By All Finds New Purpose As Loving Nanny To A Litter of Puppies

Having a house with a beautiful garden is something all of us aspire to have one day. However, a garden comes with a huge responsibility and I’m not talking about those beautiful flower beds. Living surrounded by nature means that once in a while you will encounter wildlife in your backyard. Making sure there are …

Read More about Tiny Hedgehog Barely Survives And You Won’t Believe What Caused His Misfortune

As much as winter is challenging for many animals, it’s especially tough for birds who have to deal with unexpected winter hazards, low temperatures and limited food sources. Sadly, most animals struggling with winter dangers don’t survive, but this tiny bird was fortunate enough to cross paths with a very creative and kind-hearted man. One …

Read More about Man Finds A Tiny Bird Stuck To A Frozen Pipe And Quickly Devises A Brilliant Plan To Set It Free

Finding a woodchuck lying motionless is not something you see every day, but that’s exactly what happened in one suburban backyard. When the homeowners noticed a woodchuck that wasn’t moving in their yard, and after watching it for three days without any signs of life, they decided to remove it with a shovel.  Luckily, before …

Read More about Pennsylvania Hero Finds Blind Woodchuck In Backyard Desperately Fighting For Life

Peabody is by far the smallest horse I’ve ever seen. This adorable little thing had a rough start in life, so get ready to hear about it.  Born with many disabilities, Peabody was abandoned by his mom. His previous owner rushed him to the vet, but he had only one option for her – euthanization. …

Read More about Disabled Miniature Horse About To Get Euthanized Gets A Second Chance At Life

In Florida’s coastal waters, spotting a manatee is a common delight. Yet, each human interaction with them brings a new story of surprise, wonder, and occasionally, a hilarious twist. Here’s one memorable encounter! These gentle giants are known for their surprising stealth despite their hefty size. Weighing over 1,000 pounds and stretching up to 10 …

Read More about Florida Swimmer Caught Off Guard As Massive Creature Sneaks Up Right Behind Him