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Poppy Rose from Concord, New Hampshire is a true hiking aficionado. Along with her mom, Bree Schuette, she has tackled all 48 of New Hampshire’s 4,000-foot peaks, an achievement few can claim. However, there’s a catch: Poppy Rose is actually an adorable tiny white bunny!  Yup, that’s right! A two-pound fur ball might just be …

Read More about Tiny Bunny Proves He’s A True Hiker By Conquering All 48 Of New Hampshire’s 4,000-Foot Peaks

The smell of barbecue filled the air in Amarillo as a family gathered in their backyard. They were laughing and talking, enjoying the Texas sunshine.  Suddenly, they noticed something on the ground. When they approached closer, they realized it was a tiny bird.  They started to worry when they saw that the small animal was …

Read More about Texas Family Uses Warm Tortilla To Save Freezing Bird’s Life Following Hurricane

Imagine going outside to get some fresh air and seeing something really wild! That’s what happened to one grandma when a bobcat family made her porch their chill spot.  Her granddaughter Soph decided to record a video and posted it on TikTok. Little did she know, a video would become viral in a nick of …

Read More about Adorable Bobcat Family Goes Viral After Making Woman’s Porch Their Home

Elle Green recently opened the doors of her non-profit wildlife rescue organization. This amazing animal lover rescues raccoons, possums, otters, and many other wild animals in need. She rehabilitates these sweet animals and makes sure they are returned to their natural habitat. However, recently she received a devastating call about a baby otter in need.  …

Read More about Baby Otter That Lost His Entire Family After Vicious Dog Attack Finds Hope With A Kind Woman

Meet Sophia, a Pekin duck, who had a difficult past that could have ended tragically. Luckily, a caring guardian stepped in and arranged for the surgery needed to remove part of Sophia’s infected toe.  Now known as “Guy Sofia” at Farm Sanctuary, he needed a place to recover – but little did anyone realize, what …

Read More about Injured Duck Spends His Final Moments With His Loyal Emotional Support Friend

I recently came across a jaw-dropping video of a little girl playing with her 16-foot pythons! Their deep bond was so captivating that I simply had to share this remarkable story with you. Emi first met Sunny and Cher when she was just two years old, barely able to walk on her own. At the …

Read More about 7-Year-Old Girl Hosts Tea Parties With Her Giant 16-Foot Pythons

Not long ago, a beautiful parrot faced a rather grim future. With its beak severely damaged to the point of not existing, the poor thing had slim chances of survival. Fortunately, it was rescued by Paulo Roberto Martins Nunziata, a kind-hearted individual who runs his own bird rescue and preservation center. Over many years, he …

Read More about Parrot With Damaged Beak Had Slim Chances Of Survival Until A Twist Of Fate Altered Its Destiny

A hero of our story, Justin from Texas, was enjoying his day when he suddenly noticed something unusual in the middle of the lake Travis. He saw tiny legs weakly paddling in the water, which urged him to take a closer look, leading to a dramatic rescue mission. Upon closer inspection, Justin was shocked to …

Read More about Guy Notices Tiny Legs Paddling Weakly In The Water And Instantly Embarks On A Rescue Mission

It has always amazed me how some humans can form special bonds with certain animals.  Take for example KhamLa, a beautiful female elephant, and Darrick, a part-time mahout at Elephant Nature Park. These two have a very special bond that’s built on mutual love and respect.  Given KhamLa’s rough start in life and her initially …

Read More about Elephant Rushes To Greet Her Favorite Human Friend Whenever He Calls Her Name

One of my favorite things about summer is observing hummingbirds in my garden. These magical little birds are a beautiful sight to behold! Recently, while I was surfing through the internet, I stumbled upon a video that warmed my heart on so many levels.  On what seemed to be a normal day for this California …

Read More about Dehydrated Hummingbird Refuses To Leave Her Rescuer And Peacefully Rests On His Hand