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Not all Thanksgiving stories are about traditional feasts. In Simi Valley, California, something heartbreaking happened on Thanksgiving Day.  A 5-month-old male cub mountain lion was discovered on the side of a road with a severely fractured left leg. Sadly, it was a serious injury, which meant he couldn’t survive alone. But, help came just in …

Read More about Severely Injured Baby Mountain Lion Undergoes Difficult Leg Surgery Following Car Accident

Mikey, an adorable Kunekune pig, lives in Arthur’s Acres Animal Sanctuary in New York. This sanctuary is a haven for rescued pigs who had a rough start in life. This was also the case for little Mikey, as he was almost euthanized after a vicious dog attack. When he was just a tiny piglet, a …

Read More about Tiny Piglet Miraculously Survives A Vicious Dog Attack And Becomes A Sanctuary Superstar

Establishments like circuses that use wild animals for entertainment are by far the cruelest things that exist. Depriving wild animals from their natural habitat and freedom for the sole purpose of entertaining humans is a concept that makes my blood boil. Unfortunately, even to this day such establishments still operate and capture wild animals. Few …

Read More about Tiger Chained Up Her Whole Life Finally Steps On Grass For The First Time

Meet Janet, a young chimpanzee, who is celebrating a big achievement – one year of safety and love at the Chimpanzee Sanctuary. Her story started off quite differently, very different from the happy life she has now. Just a year prior, Sanctuary got a distressing call and video – a baby chimpanzee in a dangerous …

Read More about Orphaned Chimp Celebrates New Life After Surviving Years Of Abuse

Picture this – you finish your rideshare shift and hop into your car, only to discover a snake as your unexpected passenger!  That’s exactly what happened to a rideshare driver in Minneapolis recently. But don’t worry, the snake was safely rescued thanks to some quick-thinking officers and the help of Minneapolis Animal Care and Control. …

Read More about Minneapolis Rideshare Driver Rescues Abandoned Pet Snake Found In Car

One evening, a small white hedgehog found itself in a dangerous situation. It was struggling in the middle of a busy street, thirsty, hungry, and full of bugs.  The little animal didn’t seem like it would make it. But then, fate stepped in in the form of a six-year-old boy named Ruben Wiggins.  With sharp …

Read More about Six-Year-Old Boy Rushes To Help Rare Albino Hedgehog On The Verge Of Passing

Tom Waddington, a lone adventurer rowing across the Atlantic Ocean, had a surprising encounter: a pod of pilot whales who soon turned his quiet journey into a breathtaking spectacle. However, the awe-inspiring moment took a frightening turn when one of the whales smacked into his boat… Tom was on his 2,000 nautical-mile journey across the …

Read More about Atlantic Rower Thrilled By Hundreds Of Whales Until One Slams Into His Boat

This is one of the oddest couples I’ve ever seen, yet their heartwarming bond is out of this world. Meet Modjadji and Daisy, a baby zebra and a baby rhino whose lives turned around when they met.  The two friends share a special bond and never leave each other’s side. However, before they met, their …

Read More about Baby Zebra Begs For Mud Baths With Her Unusual Friend

Adriana kept betta fish as her pets ever since she was a little girl. She fell in love with these beautiful creatures at a young age, and who could blame her? These are some of the most beautiful exotic pets you could have with their mesmerizing colors and long fins.  One day Adriana went to …

Read More about Betta Fish Living In A Tiny Cup In A Pet Store Completely Changes His Color In A New Home

The other day, a kind woman reached out with a desperate plea. A farmer was planning to put down a sick calf, and she couldn’t bear to let it happen.  Without hesitation, a couple of rescuers drove straight to the farm. They found the calf, already looking so hopeless and scared, and gently put him …

Read More about Sick Baby Cow Was About To Be Put Down But This Couple Wouldn’t Let It