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Owner Dumps Their Special Needs Puppy With Leg Deformity In Garbage Bin

Owner Dumps Their Special Needs Puppy With Leg Deformity In Garbage Bin

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It’s shocking how unkind some people can be to animals. Winnie, an adorable little Cocker Spaniel puppy, is a perfect example of this. 

She was thrown away in a trash bin when she was just a small, helpless pup. I just can’t understand how anyone could abandon a puppy like that. It’s really hard to wrap my head around. Just think about how scared and lost she must have been! 

garbage in a pot
Credit: RSPCA

Thankfully, someone found her and decided to step in and help. A compassionate stranger noticed a terrible act from afar and quickly sprang into action. 

As they got closer, they discovered a vulnerable puppy with a serious leg issue. She was lying in the trash, completely defenseless and seemingly ready to give up. 

But her rescuer was determined to help! It was shocking to think that anyone could treat an eight-week-old puppy so cruelly. 

puppy in rescuer hands
Credit: RSPCA

Without hesitation, the kind person quickly brought her to the vet. She needed immediate care, so that’s when they sent the puppy to The Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home. 

Unfortunately, when they got there, the examination revealed that this lovely Cocker Spaniel had a congenital elbow dislocation with fusion. 

cute puppy in mans hands
Credit: RSPCA

Her elbow was stuck at an angle, which meant she couldn’t walk on her front leg at all. Suddenly, it made sense – the rescuers think that her situation is probably the reason she was abandoned, as her rescuer shared on Facebook:

“Her elbow was fused at an angle meaning she was unable to walk on her front leg. Unfortunately, we assume this is the reason she was dumped. It’s likely the previous owner couldn’t afford her care so decided to abandon her when she needed help.”

puppy laying on bed
Credit: RSPCA

Luckily, once her rescuer discovered her, Winnie was never by herself again. After finally receiving initial care at the facility, this cute puppy met her foster mom! Her name is Ebony Poole, and she is a senior animal care assistant at the rescue. 

Unfortunately, that wasn’t all. After throughout examination, the vets thought the only way to help Winnie was to amputate her leg. 

At that time, she was still too young for the surgery, so the team decided to wait until she was fully ready. 

puppy biting a towel
Credit: RSPCA

She successfully received regular hydrotherapy and physiotherapy, which really helped her along the way. With her mom’s support, she has started to show her true personality. 

Turns out, she is super playful and smart. Even with her leg issue, she is full of life and loves to have fun – it doesn’t stop her a bit!

Now, her caregivers are hoping to find a great home for Winnie, ideally with someone who has some veterinary knowledge or experience in rehabilitation.

smiling woman holding a dog
Credit:  Facebook

Even though she started off in a tough situation, she was set on making the most of her life. And the people who saved her are just incredible… They’ve showered her with love and support, and gave her everything she needs and more!

And as for Winnie, I love how she has this fantastic energy, and she’s always ready for fun. You wouldn’t believe all the challenges she’s faced just by looking at her now. 

dog sleeping in lap
Credit: Facebook

Now, I’m really happy that she has found such caring people. She truly deserves all the joy in the world! I really hope that whoever adopts her will provide her with the wonderful life she’s meant to have.