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Man Shocked To Discover His Owl Nesting Box Is Claimed By A Fluffy Occupant

Man Shocked To Discover His Owl Nesting Box Is Claimed By A Fluffy Occupant

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Harry Saddler, a passionate bird lover, had a heartwarming idea when he set up a nesting box in his backyard. 

He wanted to welcome local owls and provide a comfortable shelter for these amazing birds. 

However, nature had a different plan in store. After finishing the setup, Harry excitedly waited for the owls to arrive. 

an owl box
Credit: X

What he didn’t expect was the first visitor to be a cat instead of an owl. It was a big surprise to see a cat making itself at home in the owl nesting box.

Harry was really surprised at first, but then he got worried. He loved birds a lot, so he knew that the cat could be a danger to them. 

The cat was new to the area, and Harry was afraid it might harm owls and other birds. So, he decided to post about it on X

cat lying in an owl house
Credit: X

Luckily, his post got a lot of attention, and they found the cat’s real owner. 

It turned out the cat was actually an indoor pet that had snuck out without anyone noticing, as he explained:

“Good news! I posted in a local community group on FB and the cat’s owner came and got it. Also, I’m very happy to report that rather than being a free-roaming or stray cat, it’s an indoor cat which slipped out last night and ran off – I think every cat owner can relate to that.”

cat on the tree house
Credit: X

After safely bringing the cat back home, the owl house is now empty and waiting for its new residents. 

I never think about how much nature can actually surprise us. Harry acted fast and showed care for both animals and their owners, teaching us about responsible pet care. 

Even though things didn’t go as planned, it’s good to always be ready for the unexpected, even in our own neighborhoods. Because, you see, everything in nature is connected – humans, animals, and the environment.