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Wild Orangutan Tries To Fight A Bulldozer That’s Destroying The Last Tree In His Habitat

Wild Orangutan Tries To Fight A Bulldozer That’s Destroying The Last Tree In His Habitat

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Imagine one day you’re sitting in your home, and someone comes with a bulldozer and destroys everything you own. The place where you felt safe is gone in an instant.

International Animal Rescue posted a video that took the internet by storm and broke every animal lover’s heart. In the video a beautiful wild orangutan got his home destroyed in just a matter of seconds.

orangutan on the tree
Credit: YouTube

According to International Animal Rescue and their orangutan project, these primates are critically endangered, all because of us – humans.

For years, their natural habitat has been destroyed tree by tree to make room for palm oil plantation farms. 

orangutan fighting bulldozer
Credit: YouTube

However, the footage IAR shared to raise awareness of what’s happening in orangutans’ natural habitats broke my heart into a million pieces.

In the video, a bulldozer was destroying trees in one of the last areas where orangutans could live free. However, they had no idea one orangutan was there ready to fight for his home.

orngutan protecting tree from bulldozer
Credit: YouTube

While the bulldozer was cutting down one tree in particular, the orangutan from today’s story was peacefully sitting on top of the tree. 

Once the tree started falling, the distressed orangutan was holding on for dear life. He slowly tried to climb down the falling tree, confused and scared. 

orangutan on the tree hanging
Credit: YouTube

The poor soul managed to stay safe, holding on to the falling tree. Suddenly, this brave soul started desperately fighting off the bulldozer that destroyed the forest he once called home. 

At one point, while trying to fight off the heavy machinery, the poor orangutan fell. However, this didn’t stop him from defending his home. He came back, trying to kick the bulldozer.

a man carrying orangutan on his back
Credit: International Animal Rescue

Unable to remove him from the area, they called the International Animal Rescue for help.  

The rescuers came and gently removed the orangutan from what used to be his home. This poor soul will be relocated and placed in one of their sanctuaries.

This video truly brought tears to my eyes, seeing how little some people care for our wildlife. As one YouTube comment put it:

“This is absolutely heartbreaking.”

Thankfully, there are still organizations like the IAR that still care for the well-being of our wildlife. Make sure to watch the video down below!