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Neighbors Realize That Someone Furry Is Living In Between Their Garage Walls

Neighbors Realize That Someone Furry Is Living In Between Their Garage Walls

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As people often say, neighbors help neighbors, and these neighbors joined forces to help a little creature in need!

A group of neighbors in East LA, California, noticed a strange little furball popping out from the narrow passage between their garages. 

They saw something white and fluffy move, but whenever someone approached, it would disappear. When daylight came, they finally saw him: a cute little white dog peeking at them, unable to find his way out.

dog between walls
Credit: Facebook

This little furball seemed to be less than 12 months old. He could move back and forth, but the passage was too narrow for any of the neighbors to fit through.

The dog was scared, and whenever someone peeked in, he’d retreat deep into the crevice. The concerned neighbors left out food, hoping to lure him out, but as soon as they returned, he’d flee.

dog holding his head on the can
Credit: Facebook

He ate when nobody was around and then rushed back to his hiding spot.

No human could fit through the narrow passage between the two garages, and the dog’s hiding spot was too far to reach. 

After a few days with no success, the neighbors reached out to Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy 29, a rescue organization founded in memory of Suzette’s son.

dog between garage walls
Credit: Facebook

Suzette is an experienced rescuer, and they hoped she could find a safe and swift solution to their problem. 

When she arrived at the scene with a group of volunteers, she was shocked by what she found. The space was incredibly narrow, and she was worried about how they would get the poor dog out. As she posted on Facebook:

“It was so hard to even reach him. The space was so tiny.”

dog lying between walls
Credit: Facebook

Suzette tried everything she could think of, using every tempting treat she could get her hands on to lure the puppy out, but nothing worked. 

The dog simply wouldn’t come out while people were nearby, though he did eat all the treats when his rescuers were hidden away in the bushes. They began to worry that they might never succeed in their rescue mission. As Suzette wrote:

“He would come out, and he would hide. He would eat everything around the trap but wouldn’t go in. We would run back to the wall.”

So they abandoned the “lure him out” technique and decided to try pushing the dog out. One of the volunteers went behind the garage and tried to coax the dog out with a branch. 

The dog ran away from the branch and eventually came close to the opening on their side. That’s when Suzette finally succeeded! She slipped a snappy snare leash around the dog’s neck and slowly pulled him out.

dog in a cage
Credit: Facebook

Everyone was relieved, and they celebrated their successful rescue mission!

Suzette brought the dog with her to Camino Pet Hospital, and he seemed to enjoy the ride. As soon as they hit the road, he fell asleep. I guess he longed for a good nap in front of the AC, during which Suzette thought of the purrfect name for him:

“We named him Casper because he was the friendly ghost hiding in the walls, and he’s white.”

cute white dog sitting on the car seat
Credit: Facebook

The vet thoroughly examined Casper, cleaned him up, and trimmed his fur. Our little friendly neighbor was as good as new!

He soon fell asleep again; the poor puppy must have been exhausted. He was otherwise healthy and uninjured, and this time, he fell asleep with a whole new look and a chance for a brighter future. 

shaved dog lying on the blanket
Credit: Facebook

From what Suzette reported, it’s clear that he’s thriving!

“He’s doing so good. When I first got him, he was so scared. But now he’s rolling over for belly rubs and wanting love. He’s just so sweet.”

Casper didn’t have to wait long for a foster family to take him in, and I bet he won’t wait long for a forever home either. He’s the sweetest little fella, and Suzette is confident that his forever family will come for him soon.