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Minnesota Homeowner Spots A Hairless Mystery Animal In Their Yard And Spends Weeks Catching It

Minnesota Homeowner Spots A Hairless Mystery Animal In Their Yard And Spends Weeks Catching It

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Seeing a wild animal in your yard can be unnerving due to their unpredictability and potential danger. However, for one Minnesota homeowner, the sight of a mysterious, hairless creature sparked a determined quest.

They spent weeks patiently trying to catch the elusive visitor, leading to a heartwarming rescue. Let’s delve into this remarkable story.

One day, a kind-hearted homeowner noticed an odd, hairless animal in their backyard. The poor creature looked frail and in desperate need of help.

Unsure of its exact identity, the concerned homeowner decided to catch this creature and give it the care it needed. However, this turned out to be a tricky task.

Despite being unwell, the mysterious animal was smart and managed to dodge capture for two weeks. But the homeowner didn’t give up, determined to rescue it. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they successfully caught it.

Once captured, the animal was brought to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota (WRC). The vets there were just as puzzled at first, but after a thorough examination, they discovered that the hairless creature was actually a young fox.

He was extremely thin, dehydrated, and suffering from a severe mange. The WCR staff couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of empathy for the little one, sharing in a Facebook post:

“This young red fox experienced weeks of cold, hunger, discomfort, and desperation due to the mites that were burrowing under his skin causing a severe case of mange.”

very cute fox
Source: Facebook

This poor little fox obviously endured a lot of suffering but he was now finally safe. The WCR staff knew it would be a long road to recovery, but they were committed to helping him heal, adding:

“He arrived to our clinic almost completely furless, ribs showing, and with a fractured tail that would require a small amputation from its tip.”

As the fox began to settle in, it was clear why he had been so hard to catch. Despite his condition, he was full of energy and spirit. The WRC team diligently ensured he was entertained and safe throughout his stay, as they shared:

“Despite missing fur and fat, he had no lack of spunk…He put our staff’s creativity to the test as we strived to keep him entertained and safe during his stay.”

fox jumping
Source: Facebook

After more than a month of excellent care, the fox was finally ready to return to the wild. His fur was starting to grow back, and he was full of life, ready to take on the world again. The staff was proud of the progress he’d made, sharing:

“After 43 days in our hospital, he had recovered outstandingly, and his beautiful new coat was beginning to grow back. Anyone could see that this fox was more than ready to return home.”

The fox was thrilled to be going home. As soon as his crate was opened, he dashed away. But before vanishing into the wild, he turned back to look at his rescuers, as if to say thank you. The WRC staff were touched by this moment, sharing:

“Our patients are unable to thank us, but this fox’s spectacular leap out of his kennel and the moment he took to look back at his caretakers are memories we will never forget.”

fox in forest
Source: Facebook

And so the lively fox was released back into the wild to live the life he was meant to, free and healthy.

This inspiring story highlights the impact we can have when we come together to help those who cannot help themselves. Whether it’s a stray dog, a lost cat, or a sick fox, every effort counts.

By supporting local wildlife centers and being vigilant in our own communities, we can all play a part in making the world a safer place for animals.