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Family Moves Into A New Home That Came With A Shocking Letter Regarding A Cat

Family Moves Into A New Home That Came With A Shocking Letter Regarding A Cat

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Miranda and her family had no idea that once they settled into their new home in Washington State, a feral little resident was about to welcome them. 

Let’s start from the day Miranda entered her new home. The first thing she found was a huge letter left there by the previous owner. 

cat sits
Credit: Instagram

Confused, Miranda opened the letter and was curious to discover what it was about. The first sentence started like this:

“Welcome to our beloved home! We hope you enjoy it as much as we have! There’s one favor we ask of you, you do not have to do it, but we would appreciate it if you did.”

The favor they asked from Miranda was pretty simple, yet brought instant tears to her eyes. 

a letter
Credit: Instagram

Almost 12 years ago, a stray cat brought her kitten to the family living there. With an injured paw, the kitten was left there to fend for himself.

Luckily, the family decided to nurse him back to life and take care of him to the best of their abilities. 

a cat sitting behind the door
Credit: Instagram

However, the ginger cat never really got used to humans and was labeled as feral his entire life. 

The previous family never gave up on him, they fed him twice a day and even made him a tiny home for rainy days. As mentioned in the letter: 

“We bought him a little house for the winter and rainy days, that is placed against the wall in the backyard. We would really appreciate it if you would continue to feed him.”

cat peeks from her snowy house
Credit: Instagram

As Miranda put the letter down, the ginger fellow in question made an appearance at her back door. He waited patiently for his dinner to be served. As Miranda said:

“He sat by the door and waited. We gave him water and food. It was obvious that the cat was curious, and I think he realized we weren’t a threat to him at all.”

cat with her meal
Credit: Instagram

As luck would have it, Miranda was a proud mom of five adorable felines. With her experiences and love for cats, she was more than ready to provide the feral resident with everything he needed. 

She named him Raz and placed his food outside. Miranda hoped that over time she would gain his trust and move him inside. 

cat lying in sun rays
Credit: Instagram

Although he did warm up to Miranda, Raz never wanted to come inside the house. He enjoyed watching her indoor cats through the glass door, while peacefully basking in the sun. 

He claimed the backyard as his safe haven, napping on their chairs and chasing bugs around the garden. 

Miranda never managed to domesticate Raz and a short year after he sadly passed away. As she wrote in an Instagram post

“While we were away we believe Raz came into contact with rat poison and in all of our efforts to help him, he unfortunately passed away. In his final moments we talked to him and told him how much we loved him and what a good boy he was.”

a memory rock to a cat
Credit: Instagram

Since Raz enjoyed sleeping on a flat rock in their backyard, Miranda and her family decided to bury him there and plant some gorgeous sunflowers around him. 

When you get a chance to care for an animal in need always remember Raz and his amazing story. Thanks to the kind people around him, he managed to live his life to the fullest!