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Man Finds A Moving Plastic Bag Next To A Train Track And The Content Breaks His Heart

Man Finds A Moving Plastic Bag Next To A Train Track And The Content Breaks His Heart

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What was supposed to be just another normal day for a man from South Jersey turned into a heartbreak. 

While he was walking his dog, the man saw a plastic bag dumped close to a train station. 

At first, he thought it was just trash, but once the bag moved his heart skipped a beat. He stopped, not knowing what to do. 

Afraid to open the bag, the man stood there as the bag kept moving around. It took him a solid minute to build up some courage and approach the bag. 

However, once he peeked inside the bag he saw a tied-up duffle bag inside. At this point, he could hear desperate scratches coming from inside the bag. 

At this point, the man forgot all about his fear and opened the bag only to find a tiny chihuahua inside. 

He couldn’t believe his eyes! The poor soul was cruelly stuffed into the bag, and thrown out to await her final moments. 

The bag was soaked with urine, and the man realized the poor thing was inside for quite some time. He quickly took her to the local animal shelter in South Jersey, so she could get the help she so desperately needed.

They named her Coco and soon realized the poor soul was left without oxygen for quite some time. Although she had no other signs of abuse, it was clear she was intentionally stuffed inside the bag. As the manager of the shelter said in an interview: 

“When she came out of the bag, she was clearly gasping for air and had been without oxygen for enough time to take a toll on her.”

Despite all this, Coco didn’t lose her trust in people. She instantly warmed up to the shelter staff, and in no time they found her a loving foster home. 

The shelter was offering an award of 6000$ for anyone with more information about Coco’s previous owner. Sadly, nothing was found out. 

Coco successfully recovered in her foster home, where she awaits her forever home!