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Abandoned Baby Deer Approaches Couple Begging For Help And Their Response May Surprise You

Abandoned Baby Deer Approaches Couple Begging For Help And Their Response May Surprise You

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In a calm and peaceful countryside, a heartwarming bond between humans and wildlife emerged, capturing the hearts of many. Imagine this: while enjoying nature, a baby deer approaches you, seeking help.

Well, that’s exactly what happened to the family in this story.

cute deer
Source: YouTube

This is the story of Thor, an orphaned fawn, and the compassionate family who became his guardians. One evening, Dawn and her husband heard a desperate bleating in their yard and discovered a tiny deer in need of help. It was clear that this fawn needed them.

Dawn’s husband approached the deer, and it ended up standing on his feet. They knew immediately that it was time to call the vet.

Recognizing the delicate balance between helping a wild animal and preserving its natural instincts, Dawn and her husband decided that Thor would not become a pet, but they were determined to help him.

deer in forest
Source: YouTube

After the vet examined Thor, it was determined that he had been abandoned. His mother had most likely passed away, as baby deer typically lie still for the first few weeks of their lives, waiting for their mother to return and feed them. 

The fact that Thor was up and about was actually a bad sign.

woman and deer
Source: YouTube

The vet didn’t have space for Thor, so Dawn and her husband took him home with them. Their mission was clear: nurture Thor with the ultimate goal of returning him to the wild. Their dedication to his well-being was profound!

They built an enclosure just for Thor, measuring about 15 by 30 or 40 feet. Their efforts included sleeping outside in a tent near his enclosure for more than a month to ensure he was safe at night.

deer kissing a woman
Source: YouTube

They also adhered to a strict feeding schedule, providing nourishment every three hours. 

Understanding Thor’s dietary needs was crucial. Dawn discovered that deer cannot drink cow’s milk, so she chose goat’s milk instead. 

This careful choice ensured his proper growth and development, emphasizing their commitment to his survival and future independence.

deer and food
Source: YouTube

As Thor grew, he adapted to his natural surroundings while maintaining a special bond with his human family. Whenever they called, he would return from the wilderness, eagerly coming back for his bottle of milk. Isn’t that adorable? 

This routine continued as Thor matured, helping him prepare for life beyond human care. Dawn would simply call out, “Thor, Milky!” and he’d come running.

deer drinking a milk
Source: YouTube

Now, at two and a half years old, Thor has fully integrated into the wild but still maintains a special connection with Dawn and her family. 

Their home lies within his territory, and he visits frequently, not just as a wild deer but as a cherished family member. 

His interactions with the local deer herd – recognizing his relatives and avoiding mating with them – demonstrate his deep understanding of family and territory. It’s a heartwarming reminder of how they are all one big happy family!

many deers
Source: YouTube

Thor’s occasional ventures into the deeper wilderness, followed by his return, showcase the special bond and trust he shares with Dawn’s family. 

While he spends extended periods exploring the wild further from home, the area around Dawn’s property remains his home range, and he always comes back. 

This relationship highlights the profound connection that can develop between humans and wildlife, built on mutual respect and an appreciation of natural boundaries. 

Thor will always return to hang out with Dawn and her husband, making each reunion a joyful celebration!

deer on a field
Source: YouTube

Thor’s affection extends to all his family members, both human and animal. Dawn’s journey with Thor has deepened her connection with nature, showcasing the extraordinary interactions possible between humans and wildlife. 

It’s not often one can claim a deer as a best friend. 

They often reflect on how Dawn spent several months feeding him every three hours! Her husband marvels at her commitment, saying in the video:

“Imagine that! Sheesh, the COMMITMENT! That’s pure love and dedication. She gave him a chance at life.”

deer walking
Source: YouTube

This story has touched the hearts of many, with the video amassing over seven million views and inspiring people worldwide. 

Dawn’s connection to Thor deepened profoundly when he came to their door one day with a leg injury, seeking much-needed help. Dawn recalls:

“I really tended to him and took care of the wound. He let me massage his leg and also do some physical therapy to keep it from being really stiff.”

woman petting a deer
Source: YouTube

Thor healed in no time and he could run and jump again, just like any other deer.

Thor healed remarkably and was soon running and jumping like any other deer. Their journey together has been incredibly special. Thor is now a part of the nearby deer herd, but he still visits Dawn’s yard from time to time.

deer laying down
Source: YouTube

Thor trusts Dawn deeply, allowing her to sit outside and join him in what she calls their “trust circle,” where he and the other deer from the herd gather around her. Dawn reflects on how meeting Thor and their journey together have enriched her life:

“I really treasure every moment that I have with Thor.”

How amazing is their story? Feel free to share it with your friends and brighten up their day!