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Disabled Miniature Horse About To Get Euthanized Gets A Second Chance At Life

Disabled Miniature Horse About To Get Euthanized Gets A Second Chance At Life

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Peabody is by far the smallest horse I’ve ever seen. This adorable little thing had a rough start in life, so get ready to hear about it. 

miniature horse
Credit: YouTube

Born with many disabilities, Peabody was abandoned by his mom. His previous owner rushed him to the vet, but he had only one option for her – euthanization. As said in the video:

“The vet said: ‘His legs are crooked, his bite, he can’t even chew anything. So we’re gonna put him down.’”

woman feeding miniature horse
Credit: YouTube

Peabody’s owner couldn’t bear the thought of him being euthanized so she reached out to Faith San Severino. 

Faith is a certified horse trainer and she specializes in Miniature therapy horses. Her sanctuary is a safe place for miniature horses who serve the community. Her horses provide comfort to patients with Alzheimer’s disease. 

two dogs and a miniature horse
Credit: YouTube

When Faith received the call, she knew she had to do everything to save poor little Peabody. So she flew across the country, just to save him from a fatal outcome. 

Faith cleaned him up and brought him to her home, ready to give him all the love and care in this world. As she said in her video:

“All he wanted to do was eat. And that was my clue that this little horse wanted to live.”

miniature horse lying in woman's lap
Credit: YouTube

Peabody was only 16 and a half inches big, or should I say small. This tiny thing was so small he could fit in Faith’s lap and just take a nap there. 

They even had to make him custom shoes, since regular hooves were not working for tiny Peabody. He started growing a little bit and his jaw aligned, making it easier for him to eat.

disabled miniature horse and a dog
Credit: YouTube

Peabody formed a special bond with Faith’s dogs, who were approximately the same size as him! He would run around and play with them, as Faith mentioned:

“He thinks he’s a dog. I’m quite sure of it.”

Over time tiny Peabody came out of his shell and showed everyone his true face. He’s a sassy little thing, who likes chewing on shoes and going through Faith’s bags. He then proceeds to throw everything around the room!

miniature horse indoors
Credit: YouTube

However, one person who is the center of Peabody’s universe is Faith’s husband Adam. Every morning when Adam tries to leave for work, Peabody follows him almost as if he’s asking him to stay. 

The two enjoy running around, but every night is reserved for some cuddles. Adam and Peabody snuggle up next to each other while watching TV.

woman and miniature horse outdoors
Credit: YouTube

Faith is grateful for her tiny family and for the chance she got with Peabody. If it weren’t for her, little Peabody would have been put down. 

I’m so grateful for Faith and Adam, who selflessly offered a helping hand to a special animal in need!