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Mama Moose Cries In Agony As Her Baby Gets Stuck Between A Boat And The Dock

Mama Moose Cries In Agony As Her Baby Gets Stuck Between A Boat And The Dock

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On a seemingly ordinary work day, Spencer Warren arrived at the lake in Alaska, and as he approached, he realized that this day was far from ordinary. 

His day took an unexpected start when he discovered a baby moose stuck in a tricky situation.

Warren inspected the security cameras and saw that around 4 a.m., this curious moose explored his floatplane parked by the water. Curious as the baby moose was, it fell off the dock and ended up trapped between the float and the dock. 

The poor baby was unable to get back up and remained stuck there until Warren arrived at 6:30 a.m. Warren shared in a TikTok video:

“I didn’t think I’d have to deal with this today”

baby moose falling into the lake
Credit: TikTok

Mama moose was worried sick! She cried desperately, watching closely from nearby bushes. She didn’t want anyone coming near her baby, making the rescue a bit risky. 

baby moose stuck between a boat and dock
Credit: TikTok

Despite the danger, Warren knew he couldn’t leave the baby moose stranded. He quickly teamed up with police officers who arrived to help. As he explains:

“Mama moose went to the other side of the parking lot. Then one police cruiser got between us and Mama. Officer Morgan was quick to help me pull the baby out while she was distracted.”

rescuer helping baby moose
Credit: TikTok

After being stuck and treading water for so long, the baby moose was exhausted but otherwise okay. Once back on solid ground, it was clear the mama moose was overjoyed to have her baby safe and sound by her side. 

photo of moose and baby moose
Credit: TikTok

Everyone was relieved that they got there before it was too late.

Later on, Warren saw the mama moose walking down the road with her babies. They were enjoying a peaceful stroll, and Warren felt happy and proud at the same time.

I hope their story encourages others to act the same way if they ever encounter a similar situation. Many people praised Warner for his deed, and some even made jokes once they saw baby moose was ok. One user exclaimed how this was:

“Alaska’s version of saving a cat in a tree 😂”

You can watch the reunion of baby moose and his mom below: