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Brave Man Saves Baby Elephant From Drowning Then Gets An Emotional ‘Thank You’ From The Herd

Brave Man Saves Baby Elephant From Drowning Then Gets An Emotional ‘Thank You’ From The Herd

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The heartwarming rescue story you’re about to read takes place in Addo Elephant National Park. 

This national park is renowned for its impressive elephant population and is also home to the rest of the ‘Big Five’ – lions, leopards, rhinoceroses, and African buffalos. 

Recently, one of the park rangers rushed to rescue a baby elephant from drowning in a watering hole. 

The ranger felt immensely happy and proud to have saved the poor baby; his emotions only heightened when he observed the herd showing their gratitude.

elephant and baby elephant
Credit: YouTube

Just a couple of days before this rescue, a mother elephant gave birth to an adorable calf. 

When the happy news reached the herd, they rushed to visit the new mother, congratulating her by trumpeting with their trunks. 

Elephants are widely recognized for their loyalty to family and their ability to form strong emotional bonds with each other. 

Similar to humans, they are incredibly intelligent creatures with significant emotional capacity and are particularly devoted to their young. 

Thus, it’s no wonder the whole herd came to celebrate the birth of their newest member.

herd of elephants
Credit: YouTube

The entire herd took turns helping the mother take care of her baby and ensuring he was always well-protected. 

One day, all the mothers and their baby elephants went for a walk in the national park to show their young the beauty of the park they call home. 

As they wandered through the grasslands, they stumbled upon a watering hole where they stopped to refresh themselves. 

The baby elephant, who had only been a couple of days old by then, approached the watering hole, peering over the edge, curious to see what was below. 

As he leaned forward, he lost his balance, tumbling down headfirst into the cold water.

elephants entering the water
Credit: YouTube

The herd immediately spurred into action, trying to save the youngest member of their family. But no matter how hard they tried, they simply couldn’t get him out. 

The baby elephant struggled to climb out on his own but was unfortunately too small to succeed. 

Desperate, the herd formed a circle, trumpeting loudly with their trunks for help. Their alarm reached nearby park rangers, who immediately rushed to the scene, shocked by what they found. 

Without a moment of hesitation, they devised a rescue plan: To dig a slope with a backhoe, creating a path for the baby to climb out of the water.

elephants in the water
Credit: YouTube

As the rangers began breaking the rocks, they noticed the adult elephants becoming increasingly agitated. They perceived the backhoe as a “dangerous machine” that might hurt one of their own. 

To protect the baby elephant, they formed a tight circle around him, unintentionally pushing the baby further into the water. 

Realizing they needed another approach, the rangers split into two groups: One to distract the adult elephants by driving them away in their vehicles, and the second to focus on rescuing the baby elephant.

man helping baby elephant
Credit: YouTube

Both tasks were incredibly challenging. 

The first group had to ensure the elephants were distracted enough to not notice what was going on behind their backs. 

If they saw what the first group was doing, they would’ve come after the men, and everything could have ended fatally. 

The second group, on the other hand, had to constantly be on the lookout for other wild animals potentially lurking in the shadows. 

One of the rangers jumped into the water and swam toward the baby elephant. He planned to lift the elephant and push him out of the water. 

However, despite his youth, the elephant was very heavy, showing that the rescue mission was definitely not a one-man job.

two men pushing elephant out of water
Credit: YouTube

A couple of rangers joined him in the water, and after a few minutes of heavy lifting, the baby elephant was finally out. 

The poor animal was exhausted and completely disoriented from the ordeal it had just endured. 

However, the most important thing was that he was finally safe, far away from the dangerous waters. 

The rangers then reunited him with his mother, leaving him just a few feet from the herd. 

But the baby elephant saw the rangers as friends who had saved his life. He immediately started running after them, wanting to play. 

His mother quickly took notice and rushed to her baby.

photo of baby elephant with mom
Credit: YouTube

The moment she reached him, the mom embraced her baby with her trunk. Soon, the entire herd joined them, happy their youngest member was safe. 

The rangers, believing their job was done, turned around and began to leave when something extraordinary happened. 

The entire herd turned towards them and, in perfect unison, started trumpeting in gratitude. 

No one could deny it – it was their way of showing the rangers their appreciation for the help.

photo of elephants
Credit: YouTube

Stories like this remind me of something we often forget: That even animals have feelings and are capable of expressing them. 

To grasp what they’re trying to tell us, all we have to do is open our hearts and be willing to understand.