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Kind Man Rescues Groundhog Who Fell Into An Open Well And Gives Him A Cozy New Beginning

Kind Man Rescues Groundhog Who Fell Into An Open Well And Gives Him A Cozy New Beginning

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The Broken Antler is an animal rescue organization located in New York that is managed by a husband-and-wife duo who dedicated their lives to helping wildlife in need.

groundhog in a well
Credit: Facebook

Recently Rocco and his wife Jackie stumbled upon a tiny little creature who desperately needed their help.

The creature in question was a tiny groundhog who fell into an open window well. For hours, the poor soul cried for help hoping someone would come to his rescue. 

man helping the groundhog
Credit: Facebook

Luckily, Rocco was there to lend his helping hand to the poor groundhog. With the help of a net, he managed to gently scoop him out. 

The tiny groundhog was soaked, with mud sticking to his fur. He was severely shaking and Rocco knew he had to warm him up as soon as possible.

photo of rescued groundhog
Credit: Facebook

First, he assessed the poor thing, making sure he didn’t suffer any injuries from his fall. Fortunately, he seemed completely fine and he only needed a warm and safe space to spend the night.

Rocco wrapped him up in a cozy blanket and adorably, the groundhog even did a tiny somersault!

groundhog eating a leaf
Credit: Facebook

His rescuer kept an eye on him for the next few days, making a cozy spot for him in the shelter. Rocco also made sure to feed him a lot of fresh vegetables before releasing him back into nature.

close-up photo of groundhog
Credit: Facebook

However, before releasing the groundhog Rocco made sure the window well was closed first. He released him close to the place where he found him, hoping he wouldn’t get into any more trouble!

Take a look at this adorable groundhog performing his somersault!