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Heroic Young Man Jumps Into Freezing River To Save A Black Bear Cub From Drowning

Heroic Young Man Jumps Into Freezing River To Save A Black Bear Cub From Drowning

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A dad and his son set out on a fishing trip, hoping for a day of memorable catches. However, what they found was beyond their expectations – a black bear cub in desperate need of help.

What started as a simple fishing adventure quickly transformed into an extraordinary rescue mission that is sure to make your day. Let’s dive into their story!

It all began when Eli Barkley and his dad, Darrin, went to camp along the river near Broadway, West Virginia. They ran into a forest ranger who warned them about a lone bear cub possibly nearby.

bear cub in a river
Credit: Eli Barkley

Moments later, Eli noticed a dark figure that seemed to be struggling by the river. He immediately realized it was the bear cub the ranger had mentioned.

The cub appeared distressed, as Eli recounted in an interview:

“He looked as if he was just completely worn out or something was wrong because we pulled up closer to him and he wouldn’t move. He kinda just stayed there, so we were really worried about him. The bear looked very worn out and just didn’t look right.”

The Barkleys quickly notified the forest rangers, who called Joel Rosenthal, the president of Point of View Farm in Hillsboro, West Virginia, for help.

photo of bear cub in a river
Credit: Eli Barkley

As the group watched the cub anxiously and hoped for a swift rescue, the situation took a sudden turn.

Just as Rosenthal attempted to approach, the bear cub jumped into the water. Visibly exhausted, he struggled to stay afloat in the swift current.

Unable to just stand there and watch the cub’s desperate fight, Eli felt compelled to act. Without a second thought, he decided to intervene.

black bear cub
Credit: Eli Barkley

Braving the freezing waters, Eli jumped in and swam towards the struggling cub, determined to bring him to safety.

Recalling his courageous act, he shared:

“He got out into the current and as soon as his head went under, I guess it was just natural instinct, I didn’t say nothing to nobody. I just sprung out into the water and kinda went for a pretty big swim.”

bear cub covered with a blanket
Credit: Eli Barkley

Eli managed to reach the exhausted bear and pulled him to the riverbank. Once on shore, Rosenthal quickly administered a sedative to calm him down.

Everyone felt so relieved as the bear finally relaxed, safe from harm.

Judging by his poor condition, the cub had likely been alone for quite some time. Whether he was abandoned by his family or got lost remains unknown. Regardless, he is now safe under Rosenthal’s care.

photo of rescued black bear
Credit: Eli Barkley

They named the bear William, after the Williams River where he nearly met his end. William will stay at the rehab center until he’s strong enough to return to the wild.

Rosenthal explained their plans for William’s future:

“He is very small and starved, but we believe he will do great. He will gain weight and then be placed in another pen with other cubs from last year that lost their mothers to hunters. We hope we can release him this summer.”

hero man
Credit: Eli Barkley

Thanks to the quick thinking and bravery of his unexpected rescuer, William now has a second chance at life. Eli’s dad couldn’t contain his pride, knowing his son had changed the young bear’s fate, sharing with heartfelt emotion:

“I’m very proud, very proud, he did the right thing.”

Raising a child to be kind-hearted and courageous is no small feat. At that moment, witnessing his son’s heroic actions, Eli’s dad knew he’d succeeded magnificently!