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Man Wanted To Return His Dog To Shelter Until He Discovered A Letter That Broke His Heart

Man Wanted To Return His Dog To Shelter Until He Discovered A Letter That Broke His Heart

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Anthony was about to make a choice he never expected. Reggae, his new dog, was meant to help with the loneliness that came with moving to a new city.

But weeks later, they felt distant, and the bond he’d hoped for hadn’t formed. Feeling more isolated than ever, Anthony decided Reggae might be better off with someone else and prepared to return him to the shelter.

But then he discovered a shocking letter, one that changed everything.

a letter written about a dog
Credit: YouTube

Anthony had always been someone who faced life’s challenges with a brave heart. When that awful loneliness crept in, his instinct was to find something to soothe it. So, he thought a dog would be the answer.

He wanted a companion, someone to come home to. More than anything, Anthony wanted someone who would ease the emptiness he felt.

So he headed to a local shelter, where dogs were waiting for a second chance at happiness.

the black dog is watching from behind the bars
Credit: YouTube

Yet, as he walked through the shelter, he couldn’t feel a connection to any of the pups there. They were all cute, yes, but none stirred that feeling of “this is the one.”

Just as he was about to leave, something tugged at him – an unspoken call. In a small, secluded cage, a pair of sad eyes watched him.

There, sitting quietly, was a black Labrador named Reggae with a look that mirrored all the loneliness Anthony had been carrying for months. As he crouched down and met those deep eyes, he knew that Reggae was the one and he brought him home.

a black dog rides in a car
Credit: YouTube

Life with Reggae, however, was nothing like what Anthony had hoped for. The excitement of bringing him home quickly faded when the dog seemed uninterested in everything. Even toys, treats, and affection didn’t seem to reach him.

Anthony felt defeated. He’d adopted Reggae to feel less lonely, yet somehow the silence between them made him feel even more isolated.

the dog is lying with its head resting on the cardboard box
Credit: YouTube

Reggae kept his distance. He hid under furniture, avoiding any closeness, and Anthony began questioning whether they were meant to be together. Months passed, and despite all of his efforts, the bond never formed.

Heartbroken, he decided to return Reggae to the shelter, thinking maybe someone else would succeed where he’d failed.

But fate had something else in store.

portrait of a black dog
Credit: YouTube

While packing Reggae’s things, Anthony found something tucked away in the dog’s bed. It was an envelope and once Anthony opened it and read the letter inside, everything changed.

The letter was from Reggae’s previous owner, a soldier serving in Iraq. In it, the man explained how much he loved Reggae, whose real name was Tank, and how the dog was much more than what he appeared on the surface.

Tank was intelligent and loyal but he also had a deep, reserved nature. Most of all, he wrote, Tank just needed time and patience.

a sad black dog is lying on the laminate
Credit: YouTube

The letter explained that Tank’s owner had named him after the vehicle he drove while serving in the army.

And that’s when Anthony discovered a heartbreaking truth: the dog was in the shelter because his owner wasn’t returning from his mission in Iraq.

As Anthony finished the letter, his heart sank. He realized Tank wasn’t an abandoned or unwanted dog; he was deeply loved by someone who had no choice but to leave him.

a dog with two balls in its mouth
Credit: YouTube

Anthony knelt beside Tank, tears streaming down his face. He held him close and promised him that he would be his family now.

From that day forward, their relationship began to blossom. Anthony followed the soldier’s instructions in the letter and Tank started to transform. Before long, he turned into a lively, playful, and loyal dog, just like the letter had described.

Anthony could never have imagined that the dog he almost gave up on would turn out to be his best friend. But sometimes, life has a way of bringing the right souls together, even when it seems like all hope is lost.