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Louisiana Tourists Left In Awe Upon Spotting A Stunning Pink Dolphin In Lake Calcasieu

Louisiana Tourists Left In Awe Upon Spotting A Stunning Pink Dolphin In Lake Calcasieu

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Lake Calcasieu in Louisiana is not your typical lake. It has a really high salt level, which has led to a special environment that even dolphins call home. 

But you wouldn’t believe me if I told you these dolphins are not just regular ones. 

There’s one that actually stands out – a famous pink dolphin named Pinkie that has amazed people all over the world!

pinkish dolphin leads
Credit: Reddit

When she was first seen, her bright pink color really stood out from the usual gray dolphins in her group. 

Although she’s beautiful, scientists think her color comes from a rare genetic condition known as albinism. 

This condition happens when an animal doesn’t make enough melanin, the pigment that gives color to skin and fur.

Even though Pinkie looks different from other dolphins, she is a happy and healthy one. She has become famous in the area, attracting visitors from all over who want to see her. And she always puts on a show! 

a pinkish dolphin slightly peeks out of the water
Credit: YouTube

Pinkie loves to play and often swims up to boats, always curious about what’s going on. It’s an amazing experience to see such a stunning animal in its natural habitat. 

Lately, however, there’s been even more buzz about Pinkie because she’s mating! This means we might get to see another pink dolphin in Lake Calcasieu. 

Everyone’s curious if the baby will have Pinkie’s unique color, and that question has really grabbed everyone’s interest. 

pink dolphin swims in the lake
Credit: YouTube

Honestly, I believe we just need to be patient and wait to find out! But still, I can’t lie, I’m super excited for it to happen; Now I’m totally hooked! Aren’t you?